Red bean (adzuki bean) cultivation points

Red beans, also known as adzuki bean, have high nutritional value. Seeds contain 20-25% of protein, 51-65% of carbohydrates, and contain a variety of vitamins, amino acids and trace elements. It is a natural nutritional health food. The growth period of red bean is very short, summer sowing is generally only 70-90 days.

First, soil preparation, fertilization, red beans on the soil conditions are not strict, in the mild saline soil or acidic soil can also grow. Before sowing, we should eliminate stubble soil preparation and apply fertilizer and phosphate fertilizer. If base fertilizer is insufficient or there is not enough time to apply base fertilizer, we can top up the trenches 5-6 days before flowering.

Second, the suitable sowing time for adzuki beans is very long. Before sowing, the insect shells, half-grains and alfalfa seeds are removed. The sowing rate is 2-2.5 kg per 667 square meters and the spacing is 24-33 centimeters. When planting seedlings, single plant, double plant can be, the plant (dune) from about 15 cm. The depth of sowing should be appropriate, too deep will affect the emergence, resulting in lack of seedlings broken ridge. After the drought, it can be suppressed.

Third, the management of seedlings timely rush grass, loose soil, promote root nodule growth; late flowering vigorous planting, timely topping, remove the invalid branches below the pedicel, in order to reduce nutrient consumption, promote grain full; drought before and after flowering watering . Red beans are often harmed by locusts in the early stage of their development. Red spiders are prone to occur in drought, and borers eat pods in the middle and late stages. They must be promptly investigated and prevented.

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