Field ditch cultivation muddy technology

The cultivation of mud louse in field ditches has the characteristics of short breeding cycle, low investment cost, quick effect and high profitability. It can make full use of the idle land resources in the countryside, turn waste into treasure, and enrich fishermen. In recent years, we conducted a field ditcher aquaculture mud test, now the main farming techniques are introduced as follows: First, the ditch conditions require a strong ditches, a solid slope pool, a small slope, the bottom flat, good water retention performance, pool bottom sludge about 15cm The pool depth is 1.2m. Second, clear ditch and grass bundles to clear the ditch weeds. For the first 15 days after the loach species are introduced, 5kg of quicklime shall be sprayed over the clear pond every 100m2, and 50kg of organic fertilizer shall be applied per 100m2. The straw, straw, or cornstalk without moldy or rotten shall be bundled into bundles of about 030em with wire rods, and the wooden rods shall be used. A few holes in the tightly packed bales of grass, with stones as sinkers, were tiled at the bottom of the pool and filled with water about 80cm. 3. Loach species should be placed at the end of March or the beginning of April. Put 5-6cm loach species 10-15kg per 100m2, and the male-male ratio should be 3:1 or 4:1. Before soaking, the loach seeds were soaked in a 3%-4% saline solution for 5 minutes. IV. Feeding and Management Feeding The pre-feeding period is mainly based on fertilizer and water, which is based on the changes in water quality. Generally, 50 kg of organic fertilizer is applied every other month, plus a small amount of superphosphate to increase the live feed of the loach. Pool water transparency is controlled at about 20cm. And with the slaughterhouse livestock and poultry leftovers or mixed bait. In the middle and late stages, the loach prefers to feed at night and feeds once a day. The feeding amount is 3% to 5% of the total amount of loach. As the water temperature increases, the loach food intake increases. In addition to paying attention to fertilizer and water, increase feeding. the amount. We mainly feed the livestock and poultry waste at slaughterhouses. Most of the livestock and poultry waste can be eaten and used directly. The daily feeding amount can be flexibly controlled based on changes in water quality and muddy feeding conditions. In case of heavy rain or hot and rainy days, less feeding or no feeding. Feeding should be set at four times, and feeding type and time should be adjusted according to the water temperature. After the rainy season or heavy rain, it is necessary to step up inspections. V. Water quality regulation Maintain the quality of the ditch water “fat, live, tender, and cool”. According to the water color, weather, and muddy activities, change the water or add new water at a proper time to prevent the deterioration of water quality. 6. Capture When the water temperature drops below 15°C, it can be arrested. At the time of arrest, the water in the ditch was drained, and all the muddy inhabited in the bundle of straw bales. After the bales were bundled, they were captured directly. Large-size products are directly marketed and small-size products are reserved for the coming year.

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