Famous Chicken Breeding Type Local Chickens---Langshan Chicken

Wolf pheasant is a well-known domestic breeder chicken breed in China. It is famous in the world and has participated in the breeding of many internationally famous chicken breeds, such as the famous large-scale chicken breed Austrian Pinton and Australian Black. The chicken is originally produced in Rudong County, Jiangsu Province. It is centered on the Matang and Luohe Rivers and is used for digging Hong Kong, tea, Fengli and Shuangdian. The chicken is exported from Nantong Port and is named after a tourist attraction near the port, Langshan Mountain. In 2000, it was included in the list of state-level livestock and poultry resource protection products. First, the appearance characteristics: Langshan chicken is strong in health, head Ang Tiao Alice, with a typical "U" character characteristics, feathers close, beautiful, flexible action. According to feather color can be divided into black, white, yellow three. Wolf three black chickens stand upright and have 5-6 crowns. The earlobe and the meatball are bright red. Wearing iridescence, mostly yellow and yellow jaundice, a few brown. Dark brown, lighter tip. The body is black and close to the body and has a green sheen. The toes and toes are black and the skin is white. The black and white hair of the newborn's head, commonly known as the "big face", has a black velvet feather on the back, and a light yellow color on the abdomen, wing tip, and chin, and is the difference between the black wolf chicken and the black chicken. White pheasant chicks are gray in feathers and white in feathers. Langshan yellow chicken is characterized by three yellow mouths, feet and feathers. It is of moderate size and has a delicious flesh taste. It is commonly known as "Rudong grass, three yellows". Second, the production performance: wolf pheasant faster growth, larger individuals, a higher slaughter rate. 2.6-3.1 kg of adult roosters and 2.2-2.7 kg of adult hens. The slaughter rate of semi-clean broilers reached more than 80%. The slaughter rate of the whole net slugs was over 70%, and varied with sex, age, and feed. Wolf Mountain chicken has good meat performance, early growth speed, and 100-day-old material ratio of 3:1. The chicken has a delicious texture and the black chicken carcass is beautiful and white. After fattening, the body weight of 7 weeks and 8 weeks of age can reach 0.65 kg and 0.8 kg, and the first 15 weeks of age can reach 1.6 kg, and it can be put on the market. Third, reproductive performance: wolf pheasant breeding power, egg production performance is good, about 5 months of sexual maturity, 5% of the hens can be about 150 days of egg production, average egg production 150. New chickens lay 50.23 grams of eggs, and the average weight of eggs is 54.04 grams. Eggshells are medium thick, brownish and light brown. The persistence of egg production is better. Generally, the egg production period can be 10-15 eggs and the ratio of eggs to eggs is 3.3-4.5:1. Egg fertilization rate of about 94%, hatching rate of 88%, there is a certain degree of nesting. Stronger viability, survival rate of 98%. IV. Development and utilization: Wolf Mountain chicken has stable heredity, precious genes, high fertility, disease resistance and strong adaptability. The meat has a delicious taste, rich aroma, dense fragrance, and is popular with consumers. It has great potential for market development and has a promising prospect for hybridization and utilization. The pros and cons of Langshan black-and-white chicken and black-bone white chicken can basically maintain the characteristics of black-bone, black-bone, and black-flesh of black-bone chicken, increase the ratio of meat to meat and growth speed, and maintain the characteristics of tender meat and delicious meat. Can adapt to the new trend of international black health food, especially after China's accession to the WTO contains a great business opportunities. The wolf pheasant has a wide prospect for slaughter and packaging and barbecue and other food processing and sales. (Jiangsu Province Rudong County Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Station Liu Guanmin)

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