Winter management points of wintering herbs

Winter management points for wintering medicinal herbs wintering management for herbal herbs March 7: When the leaves of plants yellow and wither in winter, the stems and leaves of the ground above about 3 cm from the ground will be cut off, and the dead stems and leaves will be collected to eradicate the weeds and sickness inside and outside the garden. The whole body was burned out of the park and burned to clean the garden, and the soil was thoroughly disinfected with a 1:1:200 Bordeaux mixture or a 0.2-0.3 Baume degree lime sulfur mixture. Dewy roots were found and soil was properly cultivated. In addition, after clearing the garden in November, Mushi 2000kg of composted mixed fertilizer was applied to the roots of the plants to protect the buds and shoots safely for the winter. Before the seedlings are unearthed, the shady shed is repaired, and the shading degree should be adjusted to about 60%, so that the sunlight in the garden will increase, which will promote the growth and development of 37 in the following year.
Coptis chinensis: Coptis chinensis can promote the growth and development of Coptis chinensis seedlings in winter, so that its roots and stems grow, and the depth of the root system increases accordingly. It can reduce or avoid the damage caused by low-temperature freezing damage to the root system, and avoid freezing buds and buds, which is conducive to plant growth. When soil is cultivated, the soil in the trench is dug up, and the soil is loosened and scattered evenly on the raft. Suitable for earthworms overwintering herbs are Astragalus, ginseng, American ginseng and so on.
Morinda: Morinda officinalis is a perennial evergreen woody vine, rooted into medicine. After 2 to 3 years of growth, the growth of the roots has entered a period of prosperous growth. In order to prevent its stems and leaves from becoming long, in the winter, combined with the preparation of cuttings, the green stems are cut from the base. As a cutting propagation material, the consumption of nutrients by stems is reduced, and at the same time the accumulation of nutrients to the roots is promoted, so that the purpose of safely increasing winter yield can be achieved. Suitable herbs for pruning wintering include forsythia, alfalfa, wolfberry fruit, honeysuckle, rose, gallnut, pepper, etc., but after pruning, we should carry out cultivating, weeding, fertilizing, and supplementing nutrients so that the plants can resume normal growth as soon as possible.
Chuanxiong: After the winter, when the aerial parts of the Chuanxiong are yellow, the 4th cultivating and weeding should be carried out. The top part of the cultivator should be hauled to the top of the ground, and then weeding and weeding should be carried out to protect the rhizomes from overwintering. Winter medicine." In addition, Codonopsis pilosula should also be given a "pumping winter medicine" before entering the winter. In the following spring, the dried stems and weeds will be removed with the gums and burned with fertilizer.
Amomum villosum: After planting Amomum villosum, if poorly managed, combined with constant rainfall, it often causes the rhizomes to become bare, affecting rooting, drawing bamboo shoots, and inducing axillary inflorescences. It begins to decline, and the meristem plants become weak and short and do not bloom or grow less. As a result of flowering, in cold weather, they often die. Before the winter, the declining old seedlings should cut off the old seedlings and dry old stalks, dig loose land, re-apply organic fertilizers, use indigenous soil to cultivate soil, strengthen field management, timely fertilize, promote seedling growth, restore seedling growth, and ensure Plants safely pass winter to lay the foundation for seizing stable and high yields in the following year. Luo Hanguo: The seed potato of Mangosteen is not resistant to low temperatures. In order to ensure normal germination in the following year, it is necessary to cover the potato in the soil before winter. Cut the old vine before earth-cultivation, leaving only about 30cm of the main vine, then excavate the earth to bury the seed and the main vines. The thickness of the soil is 20-30cm, and then cover a layer of grass to prevent the seed potato block from overwintering. freeze. In addition, the mirage can safely winter in the south, and in the north and northeast areas must be cut before the ground is frozen, only about 100cm long stalk discs on the ground, each covered with a soil Heap, about 30cm high to protect winter. In March of the following year, the mound was opened to facilitate the emergence of new sprouts and rapid growth.
Fritillaria: before and after the winter solstice, before the soil is frozen, 1500-2000kg of soil-based miscellaneous fertilizer per mu is applied to Fritillaria medicinal materials. This will not only improve the temperature of the ground and prevent freezing and warming, but also can use winter fertilizer to improve soil fertility. The role of winter fertilizer can meet the growing demand for nutrients throughout the growing season, most of the overwintering medicinal plants can be reused to protect the safe winter herbs, such as Astragalus, Zeeland, Andrographis and so on.
Gynostemma pentaphyllum: Gynostemma pentaphyllum is a perennial herbaceous rattan plant. Although it is relatively low-temperature-resistant, it can safely pass winter without cultivation in the south. However, in northern China, it is prone to frost damage and death from underground stems due to long periods of low temperature and drought. Therefore, after harvesting the above-ground part in autumn, we should pour water once in winter and cover the rows of medicinal plants with straw such as straw and thatch. This will not only keep the ground temperature relatively stable, but also avoid cold wind directly invading the roots of the plants. For the antifreeze of other herbaceous material seedlings, a layer of vegetation ash shall be covered first and then protected by a plastic film shed. Winter management of medicinal fruit trees During the cold season, medicinal fruit trees and seedlings aged 4 to 5 years are vulnerable to various degrees of freezing injury. In particular, newly planted young trees have low lignification and poor frost resistance. Simple antifreeze measures.
Shallow ploughing: Before wintering, 1000 kg of fire excrement or 300 kg of ash is applied to the medicinal orchard per acre, then shallow ploughing is performed for about 5 cm. The fertilizer is ploughed into the soil, which not only provides nutrients for the medicinal fruit trees, but also loosens the soil and facilitates the soil. Endothermic insulation, enhance winter frost resistance of medicinal fruit trees, reduce the occurrence of frost damage of medicinal fruit trees.
Rhizome cultivation: The rhizomes of medicinal fruit trees are most sensitive to freezing damage. Before the winter, the rhizomes of medicinal fruit trees are sealed with mounds, which can effectively prevent the weak parts of medicinal fruit trees from being frozen. Membrane (or grass) coverage: after clearing the drug garden, covering the ground with a layer of plastic film or crop straw, not only has a good thermal insulation effect, can prevent the freezing of the root layer of medicinal fruit trees, but also has a good effect of protecting soil moisture in the drought. Years play an important role in preventing freezing of medicinal fruit trees.
In the dry year, irrigation: As the saying goes: “The orchards do not have winter irrigation, they receive cold and they are affected by drought; the orchards fall into winter water, and the beauty of the spring begins.” In case of dry years, antifreeze should be poured before wintering for medicinal fruit trees to increase soil heat capacity. Prevent the roots of medicinal fruit trees from freezing.
Pre-winter pruning: before the winter of medicinal fruit trees, combined with winter cutting, the young shoots susceptible to frost damage will be cut off, which can enhance the cold resistance of medicinal fruit trees and reduce the freezing injury of medicinal fruit trees.
Main trunk whitening: Before the winter, the trunk of medicinal fruit trees is painted white with lime mortar (add a little salt, sulfur, edible oil and evenly mixed). The function is to reflect the sunlight, reduce the temperature difference between day and night of the trunk, and reduce the frost damage of fruit trees. Note that for young trees that are not tolerant to cold, the main trunk needs to be bandaged with straw to further enhance its ability to prevent cold and avoid frostbite.
Spraying cold-proof agent: For the green leafy medicinal fruit trees, adopt the “cold-resistance type” spray-applied spray, anti-reverse yield agent, Na’s 778, biogas slurry etc. before the winter to effectively enhance the cold resistance of medicinal fruit trees. , to reduce the incidence of frost damage of medicinal fruit trees.
Smoke and Frost Protection: This method should be adopted during the coldest night in winter. The fuel should be sawdust, oyster husk and crushed straw. It should be lighted at around midnight and smoke should be smoked until 8 to 9 in the morning. Pay attention to controlling the fire and prevent fires. It is advisable to use dark smoke and thick smoke. Generally, 3 to 4 fire points can be used per acre to make the smoke diffuse throughout the drug garden. The smoke formed after the cigarette is ignited can ease the decrease of the temperature and have a significant effect on the antifreeze.
Shake down snow: If there is too much snow on the canopy after a heavy snowfall, not only will the branches be crushed, but when the temperature is too low, the medicinal fruit branches will freeze. Therefore, after the heavy snowfall, the snow on the canopy should be shaken off in time to prevent the medicinal fruit trees from freezing.

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