What is the value of lobster?

The medicinal value of lobster is extremely high. The “chitin” extracted from carapace is called “sixth largest vital element” following the five major life factors of protein, fat, sugar, vitamins, and minerals by European and American academics. The prescription for diabetes and hyperlipidemia is the development direction of healthcare products in the 21st century. The glucosamine extracted from chitin is a method that can promote the synthesis of mucopolysaccharides in the human body, increase the viscosity of the joint lubricant solution, thereby improving the metabolism of articular cartilage and promoting the growth of cartilage tissue. According to these functions, researchers have added indomethacin to glucosamine, and they have now made a compound amino sugar tablet for the treatment of joint diseases, referred to as "combined ammonia sugar tablets." The "Compendium of Materia Medica" contains shrimp and crab shells that have the function of destroying and destroying the product. They are used to treat blood stasis, rib pain, abdominal pain, milk pain and frostbite. Dry wolfberry and dried shrimp shells are crushed into powder by 1:2 to treat neuralgia, rheumatism, polio, stomach diseases and gynecological diseases. The United States also uses lobster shells to make hemostatic drugs.
Freshwater lobster is a precious aquatic animal. Because of its large individual and delicious meat, it is regarded as the king of shrimp. It has high ornamental value, high protein content, low fat content, and human body needs. The trace elements and rich vitamins are animal foods with high nutritional and therapeutic value. The therapeutic value of lobster is expressed in the protein of lobster meat, containing more tropomyosin and paramyosin. Therefore, eating lobster has functions such as tonifying kidney, aphrodisiac, nourishing yin and strengthening stomach, which is also very valuable for improving exercise tolerance. In addition, lobster shells are more red than other shrimp shells. This is because lobster contains more iron, calcium and carotene than other shrimps. Crawfish shells are as beneficial to human health as meat, and they are effective against a variety of diseases. With the development of science, its development value will be greatly improved. It is precisely because of such a good value that freshwater lobster has long been a favorite delicacy for people. Families and restaurants often use lobster as a main dish, signature dishes, or being devastated by astute businessmen to make various kinds of food. In Western countries, the consumption of freshwater lobsters has reached a feverish level. In most countries in the first three weeks of August each year, lobster festivals are celebrated throughout the country. According to authoritative sources, the annual consumption in the European market is more than 100,000 tons, and the annual demand for freshwater lobsters in the European and American markets is around 160,000 to 200,000 tons. China is the largest lobster export base.
With the sale of freshwater lobster in the European and American shrimp markets, domestic freshwater lobster capture, distribution, processing, foreign trade, etc. have sprung up and emerged, forming an export economics industry that captures, acquires, processes, sells and bio-chemicals. As of June 2005, about 20 billion yuan of farmers have benefited from the export of freshwater lobsters. As a result of the rise of the export processing industry, a number of biochemical companies that extracted chitin products have been produced, resulting in production of more than 100,000 tons of chitin. The end product has an economic value of more than RMB 32 billion.

1, pure plant extracts, to avoid allergies, erythema.

2, vegetable recipe, you can maintain the inherent natural skin resistance.

3, containing moisturizing plant ingredients, washed and supple, smooth.

4, close to the body constitution of natural oils pure plant formula, easy to break down, environmental pollution.

5, no coloring, through the skin sensitive test, there is a faint fragrance.

Companies registered capital of 35 million yuan, the end of 2014 the total assets of 48.69 million yuan, including fixed assets of 37.52 million yuan. The company's existing cooperation Orange cultivation base 7043.5 acres, the company production base is located in Jiangxi County Tech Industrial Park Chu Tan industrial area, covers an area of 120 acres, it has built a standard plant 9,000 square meters, Nissan 6000 kg Orange enzymes and other liquid enzyme products. Enzyme, known as enzyme, refers to a polymer substance having biocatalytic functionality. In the catalytic reaction system an enzyme, the reactant molecules are known as substrates, enzyme substrates by catalytic conversion to another molecule. Almost all cellular activity of enzymes involved in the process are required to improve efficiency. Similar to other non-biological catalysts, enzymes chemical reactions by lowering the activation energy to accelerate the rate of the reaction, most of the enzyme catalyzed reaction rate can be increased a million times; in fact, the enzyme is to provide an activation energy needs than another low way, so that more particles to have less than the activation energy of the reaction kinetic energy, thus speeding up the reaction rate. Enzyme as a catalyst, in itself is not consumed during the reaction, it does not affect the chemical equilibrium reactions. Positive enzyme catalysis, but also a negative catalytic effect, not only to accelerate the reaction rate, but also to reduce the reaction rate. And other non-living catalysts is different, having a high degree of specificity of enzyme, only a catalytic reaction or produce a particular specific configuration.

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