Ba Du Du Zhong Tea has the effect of Bugan Qi rheumatism

If the body is prone to cold for a long time, it will easily cause rheumatism, and after the old age, the condition will be aggravated. Basil's Eucommia tea has the effect of reinforcing liver and strengthening tendons and rheumatism. By mixing several Chinese herbal medicines from B. sinensis, Eucommia ulmoides, and Astragalus, B. eucommia tea can be produced.


Bacillus eucommia tea herbal formula: Baba 5g, Eucommia 3g, Alfalfa 3g, black tea 3g

Method for making eucommia ulmoides medicine: Put the above materials in the cup and drink it with boiling water.

Bashanga Eucommia drug drinking method: on behalf of the tea service

Basil Eucommia medicine tea effect: There is liver and kidney, strong bones and muscles, rheumatism.

Bashu itself has the effect of tonifying kidney yang, strong bones and muscles, and removing rheumatism. Eucommia also has strong bones and muscles, and removes rubbish from the body. Therefore, the medicinal efficacy of Baschuu and eucommia tea is obvious, and the taste of black tea is not too difficult to drink. Can cure diseases, is not the best of both worlds.

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