Wild Vegetable Storage

First, the collection of standard bracken: collected more than 20 cm long, does not open the fist-shaped bracken. The green stalks and the purple stalks were individually put on the basket, and the vegetables with the same length were put together. The small shank with a diameter of 6 cm was cut and the hard root was cut with a knife. Osmunda: Collect tenders with a petiole length of 18 cm or less. Separate the thick and thin vegetables and cut away the aged roots. Purslane: Collected when the shoots are 9 cm long. Wash the leaves and tie them into small 6 cm diameter pieces and cut away the aging roots. Wild yellow flowers: Big buds or newly-opened flowers are harvested at the flowering stage from June to August each year. Can not be eaten fresh, because it contains toxic colchicine, must be dried or salted food. Cucumber scent: When the shoots are more than 4 cm long, collect the tender stems whose heads are tight and unopened, and the lower part of the curls should not be larger than 5 cm. Second, fresh storage and storage of fresh: Wild vegetables with plastic bags placed upright in the shade. Cut a 1cm2 hole in the bag corner to facilitate heat dissipation. Can keep 5 to 7 days. Fixing Storage: Some wild vegetables such as bracken, Osmunda, and cucumbers are easy to harden during fresh storage, and the flavor loss is quick. When boiled with boiling water (ie, to kill green), it can remove astringency, inhibit the activity of the enzyme, and prevent wild vegetables from deteriorating due to vigorous breathing. Then put the wild vegetables in a plastic bag, add a little salt water with a concentration of 5%, drain the bag of air, tie the bag, and put it in a cool place. Saline storage: For short-term storage, soak the wild herbs directly into salt water with a concentration of 2% to 25% (20 to 25 grams per kilogram of salt, 1 kg of water). Salting method is: the first time the amount of salt is 20% to 30% of the amount of potherb mustard, soaked for 10 days. The second amount of salt is 10% to 15% of the amount of wild herbs, and it can be soaked for 10 to 15 days. Desalt treatment when eating or processing. China Agricultural Network Editor

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