How does the private barbecue recipe have the most nutritional value?

Experimental methods: Using squid as raw material, the preservation rates of various vitamins and minerals in fish were determined after being cooked in barbecued fish, steamed, braised, microwaved, boiled and fried in six ways.

Experimental results: Fish is rich in B vitamins, such as vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B6, etc., as well as small amounts of vitamin A and vitamin E. The laboratory performed a ranking of healthy cooking methods according to the changes in nutrients in various cooking methods.

First place, barbecue fish. The loss of dimension B2, B6, dimension A, and dimension E in fish is very small, only a slight loss of dimension B1. At the same time, the content of calcium, potassium, and magnesium in the fish meat increased significantly after the barbecue.

Second place, steamed fish. It will lose more vitamin A and vitamin B1, and other vitamins and minerals are well preserved.

Third place, boiled fish. A large amount of water-soluble vitamins are lost, and B1, B2, and B6 are significantly reduced, and minerals are also lost.

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