"Calcium Calcium" Dishes Matching Techniques

In the cooking method, the "coal-preserving" dishes match skill is mixed meat and vegetarian food, bean valley mixed food. When cooking, try to remove factors that affect calcium absorption and utilization to preserve more calcium.

1, commonly used vinegar cooking leeks. Sweet and sour fish, sweet and sour pork ribs, etc. are the most beneficial calcium absorption dishes. Vinegar is a sour food that not only removes odors but also releases calcium from fishbone and pork ribs.
The content of protein and calcium in fish and pork ribs is high. In an acidic environment, calcium and protein are together and are most easily absorbed. When cooking, you can use a small amount of fire for a long time, so that the dissolution of calcium in fish and pork ribs is more complete.

2. Stew tofu and fish together. Fish contains vitamin d, can promote the absorption of calcium in tofu, so that the bioavailability of calcium is greatly improved.

3, tomato scrambled eggs, fried soybeans in the snow and other "calcium" role is also good. Vitamin C can promote the absorption of calcium, and tomatoes are foods rich in vitamin c, fried with eggs, vitamin C in tomatoes can promote calcium absorption. Increase the absorption of calcium. Snow pods are also rich in vitamin c. Similar to soybeans, the absorption and utilization of calcium can be greatly improved.

4, spinach, leeks and other green vegetables first look. In the digestive tract, oxalic acid, phytic acid, etc. easily combine with calcium as an insoluble compound, affecting calcium absorption. Therefore, when the oxalic acid and phytic acid in the food are too high, it not only affects the absorption of calcium itself, but also affects the absorption of calcium in other foods. Therefore, these factors that are not conducive to calcium absorption should be removed when cooking. Since oxalic acid is soluble in water, it can be used before cooking. In boiled water, spinach, leeks, etc. are chopped to remove oxalic acid and fried with tofu so that no insoluble calcium oxalate is formed.

5. Soak the rice in warm water first, or make a fermented pasta. Because rice and white flour contain a lot of phytic acid, it can form insoluble calcium phytate with calcium and affect calcium absorption. For this purpose, the flour may be fermented, or the rice may first be soaked in warm water to remove some of the phytic acid.

6, soybean germination after eating. Soybean (Soybean) has a high phytic acid content and germination can be used to remove the phytic acid from soybeans. At the same time, the content of reducing vitamin c that is not contained in soybeans is greatly increased, which can promote the absorption and utilization of calcium.

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