How to eat a balanced diet?

People’s health depends on daily access to nutrients from the outside world. These nutrients come from a variety of foods. Therefore, to maintain good health, it is necessary to have a comprehensive nutrition and achieve a balanced diet.

The so-called balanced diet refers to a variety of nutrients in the diet, including protein, fat, sugar, inorganic salts and vitamins. Any kind of excessive or too little will bring health hazards.

We can classify the foods in our daily life into four major categories: staple foods, proteins, fruits and vegetables, and oils and fats.

1. The staple food for staple foods is cereals, which is the main source of heat energy and should account for about 60% of food heat energy. Due to the fact that the nutrients contained in various grains are not the same, but the foods processed through rice are better in taste, but the loss of nutrients is much. Therefore, the principle of food intake should be thick and thin, and eat as much fresh food as possible. The amount of food consumed each day may vary according to the amount of activity. Generally 400 g ~ 600 g is appropriate. The remaining heat is provided by fish, meat, eggs, milk and other non-staple foods. However, the total heat can not exceed the standard, otherwise it will cause overweight.

2, protein fish, lean meat, eggs, dairy products, soy products are rich in protein. So which kind of food contains higher protein? How much do we eat each day? We must not only look at the level of protein in food, but also whether it is easily digested, absorbed and utilized by the body. Eggs and milk are good sources of protein, not only because of their high protein content but also because they are easily digested and absorbed. However, eggs and milk cannot substitute for meat because the hemoglobin type iron in animal muscles is easily absorbed by the body. Therefore, from the viewpoint of iron supplementation, the significance of eating lean meat is significant. Beans are rich in protein, their protein amino acid ratio is close to the body's needs, are high quality protein, and beans also contain unsaturated fatty acids, which have a certain effect on lowering blood lipids. In general, the source of protein should be extensive and it must not be a partial eclipse. Protein is an essential nutrient for the human body, but it is also not an overdose. Nutritionists recommend that normal people should consume 50 to 100 grams of livestock lean meat or fish, 50 to 100 grams of soy products, 1 to 2 eggs, and 1 cup of milk per day.

3. Vitamins, inorganic salts, trace elements and cellulose in the body of fruits and vegetables are mainly from vegetables and fruits. Fresh vegetables contain a lot of essential nutrients for the human body, but the composition and content of various vegetables are different. Therefore, it is often necessary to change and eat different types of Lai or several dishes and eat together, so that nutrients can complement each other. Fruits are rich in organic acids and various proteases that help digestion. The pectin and cellulose contained therein can also promote bowel movements, reduce the absorption of cholesterol, and have the effect of lowering blood cholesterol. The daily intake of fresh vegetables should be greater than 400 grams, the amount of fruit should be greater than 200 grams, and fruit is generally appropriate to eat about 1 hour after a meal.

4, fat Some people think that fat, high cholesterol content, eat easily get arteriosclerosis, coronary heart disease, and harmful foods to eat oils and fats. this is not right. Oil has many important physiological functions, such as providing thermal energy to the body, promoting the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins, and providing unsaturated fatty acids. Unsaturated fatty acids are beneficial for improving the composition of blood lipids and preventing arteriosclerosis. Vegetable oils have a high content of unsaturated fatty acids, so eat more vegetable oil and eat less animal oil. The daily intake of fat and oil is preferably 1 gram per kilogram of body weight, of which 25 grams is cooking oil.

In short, the chronic lack of or excessive consumption of any of these foods is not conducive to health. To maintain the health of the body, a balanced diet is a necessary condition. To achieve a point-of-entry, you need to remember only one sentence: Full intake of various fresh foods.

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