Eat pizza to prevent heart disease (Figure)

A recent survey by Italian researchers showed that since southern Europeans regularly eat pizza, they are at much lower risk of heart disease than those in northern Europe.

Pisa reduces the risk of heart disease

According to German "Spiegel" weekly reported on November 9, Italian researchers conducted a survey of nearly 1,000 patients in a hospital. Of the 985 patients, 507 were treated for heart problems in this hospital. The results of the survey showed that the more people who eat pizza, the lower the probability of suffering from heart disease. Occasional eating pizza can reduce the risk of heart disease by 22%; regular consumption can reduce the risk of illness by 38%; eating pizza more than twice a week can even reduce the risk of heart disease by 56%.

Scientists have demonstrated through experiments that pizza has such an effect because the tomato sauce contained in pizza has a protective effect on the heart of lycopene. But researchers also pointed out that they do not encourage people to change their eating habits. Researchers stressed that "the important thing is not what we eat but how we eat it."

A few years ago, European researchers discovered that people in southern Europe have a much lower chance of suffering from myocardial infarction than those in Northern Europe. A statistical result shows that only 53 of the 100,000 residents of Toulouse in the south of France suffer from heart disease, while the figure in Glasgow in Scotland is as high as 332. At the time, researchers also believed that it was due to the regular consumption of pizza in Southern Europe.

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