Line pepper increase yield fertilization method

Potassium can enhance the photosynthesis of crops and play an important role in the metabolism, synthesis and transportation of carbohydrates. It can not only increase the yield of hot pepper, but also improve the quality. In the absence of potassium, the formation of flowers and the angle of the knots are reduced first, and then the pods are smaller, thinner, and even reduced in number. In severe cases, the resistance of the peppers to drought and disease is reduced. According to the results of a large-area demonstration in Qingyang Town, Dangshan County, Shaanxi Province from 1997 to 2000, 25 kg of potassium sulphate was added per mu and 47 kg of dry pepper was increased (calculated at 6 yuan per kilogram of dry pepper), and the output was increased by 20.5%. Yuan, the input-output ratio is 1:14. Therefore, we must change the previous emphasis on the input of nitrogen and phosphate fertilizers, and neglect the old concept of potash fertilizer. First, the fertilization standard At present, the content of potassium in the soil can only meet the general needs of the production of 100-125 kg of dry pepper, in order to increase the output of dry pepper 100-150 kg, the need for pure potassium 5.25 kg, equivalent to potassium sulfate 13.2 kg. The utilization rate of potassium sulfate is only 40%-50%. Therefore, the actual mu application rate in production should be 20-25 kg. According to this, for a 250 kilogram dry pepper field, the per kilogram of potassium sulfate should be 20-25 kilograms, urea 20-25 kilograms, diammonium phosphate 20 kilograms, and farmyard manure 1000-2000 kilograms as the base fertilizer. 2. During the fertilization period, 50% potassium sulfate, urea and diammonium shall be applied to the planting trenches in the first half month of the transplanting of the pepper seedlings, and the soil shall be treated as base fertilizer; the remaining 50% of potassium sulfate, urea and diammonium When wheat is harvested, it is topdressed and applied once. Third, the growing season, foliar spray fertilizer pepper bud and node angle can be used urea plus potassium dihydrogen phosphate or biological potassium fertilizer foliar spray fertilizer. Spraying concentration: 1% urea and 0.5% potassium dihydrogen phosphate. The specific operation is: every 100 grams of urea, 50 grams of dipotassium phosphate, 15 kg of water. Spray 42-45 kg of fertilizer solution per acre; pay attention to sunny days at 10-12 pm or 4-6 pm when spraying; spray evenly on both sides of the blade; interval 7-10 days and then spray better. China Agricultural Network Editor

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