Cultivation and management of compositae (below)

Third, the management of long-eared chrysanthemum In the vegetative growth period, water should be deducted, control height, regulate growth, and promote its packing. Under normal circumstances, there have been 3 to 4 lateral branches of the inverted chrysanthemum. If the seedling condition is good at this time, 0.2% diammonium aqueous solution can be used to raise seedlings. When the lateral branches grow 5 to 6 leaves, Leave 2 to 3 leaves topping again to reach the desired number of branches. The last picking should not be later than Li Qiu, otherwise the flowering period will be postponed or even not bloomed. The same pot of chrysanthemum must be headed at the same time, otherwise the shoots are not evenly balanced. After the beginning of autumn, the weather became cooler and the sunshine became shorter, and flower bud differentiation began within the chrysanthemum plants. When the chrysanthemums are abnormal and the phenomenon of convergence occurs, the flower bud differentiation has basically been completed. At this time, the chrysanthemum must be covered with earth, and the amount of earth covering should be appropriate. In order to make the overall appearance of chrysanthemum beautiful, combined with soil cover, flower branches can be properly adjusted, branches can be pressed reasonably, and the branches can be evenly distributed in the basin. In late August, the chrysanthemum has seen buds, and the chrysanthemum can be re-applied to the roots and dried again. Cover the chrysanthemums before covering the soil to remove weak branches and strong branches, leaving 6 to 7 branches with balanced growth so that the flowers are the same size and the ornamental effect is good. In early September, some of the chrysanthemums have budding, and in the absence of injury to the main bud, the excess branches and buds can be gradually stripped, leaving only one main bud for each branch to focus on nutrition and make the flowers bloom early and open well. . In general, in the growth process of chrysanthemum, the nutrient growth period should be deducted by water, dried and thoroughly drenched, topdressing with a thin nitrogen fertilizer, and during the reproductive growth period, dry and wet, dry and wet, thin and heavy, and topdressing with phosphorus. Potash based. The top-dressing fertilizer used in the later period is made from mashed bean cakes, large feces, and ferrous sulfate, which can be used after dilution. The number and concentration of fertilizers depend on the variety, flower type and growth potential of chrysanthemum. After the fertilizer is applied, the leaves must be rinsed with water to avoid contamination and disability. Fourth, the application of drugs to make chrysanthemum moderate height, ornamental effect is good, long chrysanthemum in the vegetative growth period than the long-term paclobutrazol artificial control height. The long-term concentration of the internodes and plant-shaped cultivars is slightly larger than that of the cultivars with long internodes and high plant-shaped cultivars. The concentration is generally controlled at 0.2% to 0.4%, and the spraying interval should be approximately the same, and should be applied in the rainy days. Otherwise it is prone to flower malformation, leaf abnormalities, uneven distribution between the nodes. After budding, it should not be sprayed for a longer period of time. Even spraying should cover the buds so as not to hinder bud growth. In the later stages of chrysanthemum growth, diseases and insect pests should be highly valued. A slight carelessness of the plant will result in damage, which will result in the lack of leaves and flowers, which will affect the growth and development. The prevention and control of pests and diseases shall be promptly conducted. Chlorothalonil, potassium permanganate, and thiophanate-methyl 1000-fold aqueous solution may be used to prevent and control diseases. Cyhalothrin, enemy-killed, and kung-fu 800- to 1000-fold aqueous solutions may be used to treat cotton bollworm and whiteflies. Kill the net, 800- to 1000-fold aqueous solution of dicofol to eliminate red spider. Fifth, bandage chrysanthemum should be tied after flowering. For example, there are two types of ligatures for the pentacephalium: one is a positive pentagonal shape, and the other is a positive tetragonal shape with one additional center. No matter what kind of lashing methods, sticks should be put in place one at a time, with less damage to the flower roots. Then the heads of the chrysanthemums should be tied at the same height. The chrysanthemum head should be straightened, and the leaves and petals cannot be injured when lashing. In short, the chrysanthemum should grow robustly, and its stems, leaves, flowers and flower pots are of equal size, can fully express the characteristics of the varieties, have a neat flowering period, have the same size, height and height of the flowers, stand upright, evenly distributed among the leaves, and the leaf color is fresh and stretched. Only in this way, To become a chrysanthemum top grade product.

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