Xianyu 335 Cultivation Techniques

Xianyu 335 corn is the first choice of farmers to be the first choice for the farm. Xianyu 335 has the characteristics of fine grain deep grain yield, good quality, good sales, high yield, stable production, and good drought resistance, insect resistance and disease resistance. However, in order to truly increase the yield of Xianyu 335 and maximize its production, it is necessary to grasp the following points for planting and cultivation.

1, fine preparation

The quality of soil preparation directly affects the quality of sowing, and it also affects the use of fertilizer efficiency. The better the level of soil preparation, the better the seedlings are, and the better the utilization rate of chemical fertilizers is.

high. We advocated the land preparation before the closure of the harvest after the autumn harvest. This is particularly advantageous for soil conservation. It is recommended that the main machinery be used for site preparation and that the bottom layer of the plough can be broken. Combined with the land preparation,

One-time base fertilizer.

2, timely sowing

The quality of plowing in spring plowing determines whether you can plant Miao, Miao, and Miao. When the Xianyu 335 variety was sown, it required the ground temperature to stably pass 10 degrees or more, and be delayed for two days. The sowing time would be determined due to the soil moisture level and timely robberies. The thickness of the cover soil can be 3 to 5cm, and the seeding distance can be determined by the size of the harrow, and the protection of seedlings in the hectare ranges from 5 to 60,000 plants. It is advisable to use an eye-catcher or a sowing sowing machine.

3, do a good job after the crackdown

Doing a good job of repression is an important part of the sowing of corn. The level of repression depends on the sentiment. If we do a good job of repression, we can guarantee Miao Quan and Miao Qi.

4, scientific use of chemical fertilizers, to promote the application of more farmyard fertilizer

Fertility isolation is the key to keeping seedlings. When using chemical fertilizers, it is necessary to pay attention to the isolation of seed fertilizer above 10cm. Promote soil testing and formula fertilization, manure and chemical fertilizers, and nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, calcium, magnesium, silicon and other nutrients. Under normal circumstances, if more than 30 cubic meters of high-quality fertilizer is applied per hectare, the use of chemical fertilizer can be reduced by 20% to 30%. In the absence of agricultural fertilizer, it is recommended that the base fertilizer be used for compound fertilizers (each 15%) 300-400 kg, potassium fertilizer 50 kg, zinc fertilizer 25 kg. Mouth fat: 50-75 kg of diamine. Top dressing: Use 300-400 kg of urea per hectare, plus 50 kg of potash; or use 300-400 kg of topdressing fertilizer produced by large manufacturers. The topdressing time is about 11 leaves of corn. When topdressing, it must be covered with soil to reduce fertilizer loss. Note that zinc fertilizer and phosphate fertilizer can not be mixed at the same time.

5, timely check seedlings

One minute of hard work, one point of harvest, do not carelessly, we must promptly check the seedlings in the field, eradicate sick and weak seedlings. The Xianyu 335 variety can be grown to 50,000 or more per hectare without replanting.

6. Pest control

The diseases of corn are mainly smut and stalk rot, and the methods of prevention and control are: timely sowing, seed coating, and strengthening of field management. The main pests of corn are underground pests and corn borers. The underground pests are mainly controlled by a coating agent containing thiram and carbofuran, which is mainly used for biological control by Trichogramma, or the use of carbofuran and phoxim granules mixed in the heart of corn leaves. On prevention and treatment.

7. Strengthen field management

The cultivating and weeding is an important part of field management. Digging in time can effectively increase the temperature of the soil, facilitate the early growth of young seedlings, increase the permeability of the soil, promote the growth of aerial roots, enhance the lodging resistance, and effectively increase the water storage capacity of the soil. Scientific use of herbicides to prevent injury, herbicide phytotoxicity can lead to malformation distortion. In addition, 7-11 crops of maize were sprayed with corn growth regulator-Dwarf King 335 in time, which can play a role in strengthening the stalk, reducing the ear position, controlling plant height, reducing baldness, and increasing yield.

8, on the issue of corn oysters

Xianyu 335 varieties of corn glutinous rice are indeed many, but in normal years and reasonable density, no glutinous rice dumplings are needed. When the plants are drawn, the wolfberry fruit naturally dies and the nutrients transfer to the trunk. The special year or density is not enough. When the scorpion does exceed more than half of the height of the plant, the sickle must be used to remove it. There will not be many such blinds.

9, timely and late

Timely and late harvest can improve corn yield and quality, reduce corn moisture, and facilitate storage and storage.

Effect of Different Harvest Time on 100-grain Weight of Xianyu 335

Harvest date September 28th October 1 October 5 October 8 October 10 Xianyu 335 (g/100 grains) 34.1935.3838.3139.3240.36 ha Output increase (kg) 11857 +412+1429+1779+2143

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