New techniques for balanced fertilization of litchi and longan

1. Balanced fertilization and proportion of litchi and longan

Litchi and longan are perennial evergreen fruit trees, with long growth and development cycles and large growth results. It has the characteristics of storage of nutrients and nutrient re-use, and requires a lot of nutrient supply to ensure strong growth and meet the nutritional needs of high-yield, stable and high-quality production. Therefore, it must be supplemented by continuous fertilization. However, the supply of fertilizer nutrients must be comprehensive and appropriate, all kinds of nutrients should be fully collocated, the proportion should be moderate, and all kinds of nutrient elements are equally important and indispensable, and too little or too much of each element will affect the tree growth and yield. Many studies have confirmed that the yields of litchi and longan do not increase with the increase in the amount of fertilizer applied. The two are not linearly related, but show a curve relationship. When the amount of fertilizer reaches a certain level, the output no longer increases and continues to increase. When the amount of fertilizer is applied, the yield decreases. Moreover, various nutrient elements need to be matched with each other at a certain proportion when the tree grows and the flowering result of the production. According to relevant data analysis, the proportion of N, P and K nutrients taken by litchi fruit was 1:0.3~0.5:1~1.5; the proportion of N, P and K nutrients taken by longan fruits was 1:0.35~0.5:1.5~2.15. . According to theoretical calculation, estimation method and field experiment method, the fertilization amount and nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium ratios of litchi and longan were obtained, and the litchi was 1:0.3~1:1~1.5; the longan was 1:0.5~1:1.5~2.0. According to the domestic litchi and longan fertilization levels, the ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in litchi was 1:0.5~0.6:1~1.5; the ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in longan was 1:0.4~0.6:1.3~1.5. Although the above three conditions are different, the proportions of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium are relatively close.

Adult fruits of litchi grow to produce 100 kilograms of fruit, annual nitrogen application rate is 1 to 1.5 kilograms, and the ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium (N:P2O5:K2O) is suitable for 1:0.5~1:1.2~2.0; adult longan result trees The strain produces 100 kilograms of fruit and the annual nitrogen application rate is 1 to 1.8 kg. The ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium (N:P2O5:K2O) is preferably 1:0.5~1:1.5~2.2. The above is for reference application, and each production place can be corrected according to the actual production situation.

Second, litchi, longan fertilization period

The period of fertilization for litchi and longan must be based on the fertility characteristics of different varieties and different tree ages, the characteristics of required fertilizer, and the environmental impact, so that timely and appropriate fertilization can be done to fully exert the effects of fertilization. Juvenile trees and the tree that enters the fruiting period and the adult tree that enters the rich period have different growth and development characteristics, and have different choices and needs for nutrients. Therefore, not only the amount of fertilizer is different, but also the number and timing of fertilizer application are different. Absorption and demand of nutrients during the phonation period in the annual cycle also show obvious seasonal changes. The number and intensity of nutrient uptake are low at the beginning of the growth of the spring bud, but with the growth and flowering of roots and shoots. As a result, the absorption and demand for nutrients gradually increases and reaches the highest peak, and the absorption of fruits after ripening and autumn and winter will gradually decrease. In addition, the absorption of nitrogen was more in the new shoot extraction period; the absorption of phosphorus was more in the flower bud differentiation and flowering and young fruit period; the potassium absorption was more in the fruit enlargement period. Therefore, the fertilization in each period should be based on its characteristics, there are differences in the amount of fertilizer, fertilizer types and fertilizer mix.

1. The sapling fertilization period differs from the result tree in fertilization. Sapling fertilization is to meet the needs of vegetative growth and the rapid expansion of the crown, the cultivation of the crown area, not only the amount of fertilizer should be increased year by year, the proportion of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium must also be adjusted, and the number and period of fertilization should be adjusted. The fertilization period is mainly around several times of shoots and hair rooting stages. Usually, a small number of times and thin fertilizers are applied. In particular, the first year after planting, it is best to apply 1 month after planting until 9 to 10 months after planting. The rarest human excrement or thin urea solution is applied once a week in conjunction with expanding the soil and applied organic fertilizer once a year, 7-8 times a year. In South China, there is high temperature and rain, young trees grow quickly, and the number and quantity of shoots are high. Fertilizers decompose quickly, and the amount of percolation loss is large. The number of fertilization can be appropriately increased. With the increase of tree age, the amount of fertilizer should be gradually increased, and the ratio of phosphorus and potassium should be appropriately increased. In the past few years, nitrogen fertilizer was the mainstay and the amount of phosphorus and potassium was increased in the following years. The frequency of fertilization mainly revolves around several shoots, and the spring shoot is the basis for subsequent shoot growth. The organic fertilizer should be applied as a base fertilizer before the spring shoot is germinated, and the amount of fertilizer should be appropriately increased. Before and after summer and autumn shoots, the fertilization should be mastered. The quantity, especially the autumn shoots, enters the trial production period (with a small amount of results) as the tree age increases, and the tree that is put into production results in autumn shoots that are the result of the leap year and the mother tree. Before the autumn shoots, the nitrogen fertilizer should be appropriately increased. Appropriately increase phosphorus and potassium fertilizers after shoots are enriched to reduce nitrogen fertilizers. The autumn shoots of longan generally extend from the summer shoots. Therefore, the summer shoots fertilization is also very important. After summer shoots, nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium fertilizers should be added. In June, the soil was combined with expansion points to apply organic fertilizer and green manure.

The tree with the initial investment results is in the stage of vegetative growth and reproductive growth. The fertilization should be combined with root promotion, tipping, and controlling summer shoots and stable fruit to coordinate the balance between vegetative growth and reproductive growth of the tree. Fertilizer should be applied before the fertilizer, stable fruit fertilizer, strong fruit to promote shoot fertilizer, fertilizer before and after fruit picking or autumn and winter fertilizer. Mainly around the spring shoots and autumn shoots, and control summer shoots to prevent fruit drop. In addition, juvenile trees and tree-planting trees can be combined with multiple foliar fertilization in March and August to promote treetop enrichment through the roots.

2. Adult Results Tree Fertilization Period The adult tree has entered the full production period of production. Fertilization should be based on the restoration of yield and tree vigor so as to prolong the period of fruitful production. According to the tree age, tree vigor and target yield, according to the demand of nutrients for each phenology period, we must focus on cultivating good fruit trees, promote flower bud differentiation, and timely fertilize fruits with the goal of protecting flowers and fruits.

(1) Fertilization period of adult litchi trees According to the ecological conditions of litchi production areas in China and the biological characteristics of litchi, fertilization is divided into three main periods:

Fertilizer before flowering: The role of fertilization before flowering is to promote germination differentiation, flowering ear development, increase flowering, improve flower quality, increase ear, increase grain, reduce falling fruit and increase fruit setting rate. This time fertilization is one of the most critical periods of the year. Applying it at a proper time will lead to early flowering or flowering of flowering spikes; too late will not achieve the desired effect. This period of fertilization requires nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. According to the analysis of the 19-year-old “Huaizhi” litchi flowers of Guangxi Beiliu Lizhichang in 1986, the entire tree consumes 0.437 kg of nitrogen, 0.057 kg of phosphorus, and 0.286 kg of potassium after flowering; the consumption of nitrogen is 0.42 kg, phosphorus is 0.055 kg, and potassium 0.276 kg. According to the data, the flowering organs of Litchi were 2.086%~2.758% phosphorus, 0.29%~0.492% phosphorus, and 1.275%~2.31% potassium. According to reports, 18 to 22-year-old "Lanzhu", "Wuye" and "Chen Zi" litchi were used as test materials for pre-emergence heavy fertilizer (accounting for 40% to 50% of the annual application amount, of which nitrogen and potassium accounted for 50% of the annual application amount, 40% of the total annual phosphorus application amount, and general fertilization (1/3 fertilization before flowering) were compared. The results showed that the heavy yield of "Chen Zi" litchi and "Liu Ye" litchi had the highest yield and best effect before flowering. "Chen Zi" litchi before the application of heavy fertilizer than the general fertilization (control) increased by 65.7%, "Wuye" litchi increased production of 51.8%, "Lanzhu" litchi increased yield 31.4%, and increase the ear length and ear of fruit. In this period, nitrogen and potassium accounted for 40% to 45% of the annual fertilization and phosphorus accounts for 25% to 30% of the annual production.

Young fruit fertilizer: From flowering to young fruit growth and development, due to the consumption of large amounts of nutrients, flowers and fruit, and in the physiological fruiting period, at the same time, fruit growth into the rapid expansion period, nutrition should be promptly added. This period of fertilization results in the maintenance of fruit and fruit, so it is also called stable fruit fertilizer or strong fruit fertilizer. This period of fertilization should be dominated by potash fertilizer, followed by phosphate fertilizer, and with nitrogen fertilizer. According to Dai Liangzhao et al. (1986), leaves of "Lanzhu" litchi had higher nitrogen content and lower phosphorus and potassium content during young fruit period, especially the leaf potassium content was the lowest during the whole year. According to Ni Yaoyuan (1986), the nitrogen content of litchi leaves during the fruit development period is high, and the phosphorus and potassium contents of the leaves are significantly reduced. The above shows that the consumption of large amounts of nutrients during fruit development, especially phosphorus and potassium, resulted in a marked decrease in phosphorus and potassium nutrients in the leaves. During this period, nitrogen should account for 15%~20% of the whole year, phosphorus accounted for 40% of the whole year, and potassium accounted for 30%~40% of the whole year.

Before and after fruit harvesting, the main effect is to restore the tree vigor and reduce the defoliation, and promote sufficient amount of full-fledged autumn shoots to promote the differentiation of flower buds to store more nutrients for the flowering results of the following year. In this period of fertilization, there should be more than two fruiting trees, weak trees and old trees, and they should be applied once before and after harvesting fruit. Before fruit harvesting, quick-acting fertilizers are mainly used. After harvesting fruit, organic fertilizers are combined with quick-acting fertilizers. Fertilizer application in this period accounted for 35% to 40% of the annual total, phosphorus accounted for 30% to 40% of the entire year, and potassium accounted for 20% to 30% of the entire year. In addition, foliar fertilization can be combined during the autumn shoots. 0.3% urea plus 0.2% ~ 0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate, or 0.3% ~ 0.4% potassium nitrate for extra-root dressing 2 ~ 3 times, to promote the autumn shoots robust.

(2) Longan adult tree fertilization period Longan flower bud differentiation in the year, the flowering of the year, its need for fertilizer and phenology related. In early spring of February in Fujian, when the longan buds sprouted, flower buds formed flower bud differentiation, followed by flowering and fruit growth. There are three fertilization periods in the long-term fertilization period as in the case of litchi. However, due to the biological characteristics of longan, the phenological periods are late compared to litchi, so the fertilization time is postponed accordingly.

Fertilizer before flowering: The purpose of fertilization before longan flowering is to promote flower bud differentiation, flower bud development and spring shoot growth, and increase flowering quantity, improve flower quality, reduce flowering, and increase fruit set. This period of fertilization is also one of the most critical fertilization periods throughout the year. According to Liu Xinghui et al. (1993) pointed out that before flowering, fertilizer is applied in March, mainly nitrogenous fertilizer, combined with phosphate fertilizer and potash fertilizer, in order to improve the quality of flowers and increase the fruit setting rate. According to Ke Guanwu et al. (1998), longan should adopt different fertilization periods and fertilizer rates to regulate growth potential and growth, and apply heavy fertilizer before flowering. In about the middle and late April, the inflorescence (flower stand) of longan spike has formed and Apply at the bud. Fertilizer accounted for 80% of the total annual fertilizing amount, and organic fertilizer and chemical fertilizer were each half. Early application of heavy fertilizers provides a material basis for strong fruit promotion. According to Dai Liangzhao et al. (1989), seventeen-year-old and 25-year-old “Fuyan” longan were used as test materials for different periods of heavy fertilizer application. The heavy fertilizer application accounted for 70% of the annual fertilizer use, and the other 30% was applied during flowering. The experiment was conducted before heavy flowering, fruit heavy fertilizer, heavy fruit before harvesting, heavy fertilizer and winter heavy fertilizer after harvesting. The results of the 6-year experiment showed that heavy fertilizer and fruit picking were applied before flowering. The former application of heavy fertilizer has the best effect, the highest yield, the smallest annual size, and the worst effect of applying heavy fertilizer after fruit harvest. The pre-harvest application of heavy fertilizer yield increased by 51.4%~62.9% compared to the amount of heavy fertilizer, and the annual size decreased by 40.3%~53.5% (Table 1). In the large-scale production, heavy fertilizer before longan should pay attention to, but the annual amount can be adjusted. Nitrogen dominates, with phosphorus and potassium, nitrogen accounts for 40% to 50% of the year, and phosphorus and potassium account for 30% to 40% of the year. The application period is suitable for February in the big year and March in the small year.

Table 1 Effect of Heavy-dulling Period on Longan Eyes

deal with

Yield (kg/plant)

Size year size

17 years old

25 years old

17 years old

25 years old

Heavy weight before flowering





Young fruit heavy fertilizer





Pre-harvest heavy fertilizer





After fruit harvest heavy fertilizer





Winter heavy fertilizer





Young fruit fertilizer (or promote fruit fertilizer): Longan from the flowering into young fruit consumes a lot of nutrients. According to the analysis of longan flower organs containing 0.74% ~ 1.372% nitrogen, phosphorus 0.169% ~ 0.482%, 1.738% ~ 2.652% potassium. Flowering consumes a large amount of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium nutrition, so that the nitrogen and potassium content of the leaves at the flowering stage becomes the lowest in the whole year. For this reason, this period of fertilization is also very important. Phosphorus and potassium are the main fertilizers in this period, and nitrogen fertilizer is used in combination. Phosphorus and potassium fertilizers account for 40% of the annual fertilizer use. Nitrogen fertilizer accounts for 20% of the total fertilizer consumption in the year. According to Dai Liangzhao (1989) during the heavy fertilizer experiment, the effect of heavy fruit on young fruit was much worse than that before flowering. The 17-year-old “blessing eyes” had the same effect as winter heavy fertilizer, and the 25-year-old had “blessing” effect. It is worse than the heavy fertilizer before flowering, and its size is larger. From the long-term need for fertilizer, this period does not have to be used as a heavy fertilizer.

Harvesting fruit fertilizer: The fruit fertilizer can be divided into two kinds before harvesting fruits and after harvesting fruits. The purpose of the fruit extract fertilizer is to promote fruit enlargement and promote the withdrawal of autumn shoots, to cultivate superior mother trees, and to restore the tree vigor. According to the test of Dai Liangzhao et al. (1989), the effects of applying heavy fertilizer before fruit harvesting were also very good. Compared with heavy fertilizers after fruit harvesting, the output increased by 29.8%-37.1%, and the annual size was reduced by 33.5% compared with post-harvest heavy fertilizer. ~70% (Table 1). Ke Guanwu et al. (1998) pointed out that the pre-harvest fertilizer should be re-applied, generally applied 10 to 15 days before fruit harvesting. The amount of fertilizer used accounts for 20% of the annual fertilization amount, and mainly available nitrogen fertilizer. According to the study of Dai Liangzhao et al. (1989), the tree before the harvest of fruit should be applied from the end of July to the beginning of August, and the year tree should be used in the middle and late August. Many fruit-bearing fruits, weak trees, and old trees should be based on quick-acting fertilizers. In combination with organic fertilizers, fertilizers should be dominated by nitrogen fertilizers, combined with phosphorus and potash fertilizers. Large-scale production, this period of nitrogen application should account for 30% to 40% of the whole year, phosphorus, potassium accounted for 20% to 30%.

Basal fertilizer: The winter base fertilizer is controversial and should be used with caution. Ke Guanwu et al. (1998) pointed out that fertilization irrigation should be stopped from October to December after the autumn shoots are full, so as to weaken the production potential of the winter trees and restrain the winter. However, in general, the old longan producing areas are combined with deep-turning soil and organic fertilizer in winter. Winter basal fertilizer should be determined according to the specific circumstances, the general normal results of the tree, the best winter of 10 to 12 months do not apply fertilizer, application of organic fertilizer can be placed before the application of fruit dressing or 2 to 3 months before flowering, but the results After harvesting, the tree vigor restores slowly, leaves more or less trees, and the old tree has no power to sow the winter. Some slow-pacing organic fertilizer should be applied as the base fertilizer to restore tree vigor and reduce defoliation to promote flower bud differentiation.

Types of wheelchairs

1. According to material classification, aluminum alloy, light material and steel aluminum alloy, light material and steel.

2. According to the type, it can be divided into manual Wheelchair and electric wheelchair, among which manual wheelchair can be divided into manual push and self-service type.

3. According to people's needs, it can be divided into single side wheelchair, toilet wheelchair, sports wheelchair and lying wheelchair.

4.According to whether it can be folded It can be divided into foldable and unfoldable wheelchairs.


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