How to prevent food poisoning?

Food poisoning refers to an acute process-based illness that occurs when food that has been spoiled by bacteria has been eaten or eaten, or that has been contaminated with toxic chemicals and is itself a toxic food. Food poisoning generally has a short incubation period, rapid onset, and a large number of people who have had the same food in a short period of time. All patients have similar clinical features of gastrointestinal symptoms.

Prevention of food poisoning to do the following:

1. Do not eat spoiled and rotten foods;

2. Do not eat food that is contaminated by harmful chemical substances or radioactive substances;

3, do not eat raw seafood, river fresh, meat and so on;

4, raw and cooked food should be placed separately;

5, cut raw food choppers, cutting boards can not be used to cut cooked food;

6, do not eat dead livestock meat;

7, do not eat poison mushroom, puffer fish, raw green beans, sprouted potatoes, moldy sugar cane and so on.

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