Method of artificial insemination in turkey

The technique of artificial insemination in turkeys is mainly sperm extraction and insemination. At least 2 people are required to collect sperm. The male turkey was fixed on a refined stool measuring 1 meter long, 30 centimeters wide, and 40 centimeters high. The assistant was responsible for Baoding and receiving semen. The sperm extractor's left thumb was separated from the remaining 4 fingers and massaged along the dorsal side of the turkey. The right hand pushed the massage in the ventral tail. When the male turkey's genital projections are seen to rhythmically evacuate, push the tail of the male turkey with the left palm from the ventral side. The thumb and the remaining 4 fingers are placed on both sides of the anus separately. At this point, the sperm extractor's right hand moves to a soft place in the belly of the male turkey. When the turkey's genital process is turned upside down again, and when it reaches full erection, the right hand pushes up and squeezes with the left hand. The turkey's semen will flow out and the assistant will immediately collect the semen with the sperm. The sperm extractor squeezes his hands to relax and repeats the above actions. When the turkey's genital process is pulled out again, it is squeezed one more time. This is repeated 2-3 times to complete the sperm extraction process. The insemination work was completed by 2 people. One person turned anus and the other insomnia. The inseminator is on the left side of the anorectine. The anal man grasps the female turkey's legs with his left hand and lifts his abdomen inwards. He presses the tail of the female turkey with his right palm. He uses the separate thumb and forefinger to open the anus of the female turkey and turn the fallopian tube over. Out. The fallopian tube is located at the upper left of the cloaca. When the fallopian tube is completely opened, the inseminator inserts the vas deferens obliquely into the fallopian tube by 1-2 centimeters and enters the semen. At the same time, the anal opener releases his right hand to restore the anus and complete the insemination. To do a good job of artificial insemination and ensure the high fertilization rate of fire eggs, we must pay attention to the following work.

1. Selection and training of male turkeys When male turkeys reach the age of 29 weeks, they begin to perform sperm collection training. Before the training, the hair around the cloac of the male turkey is first cut off. Training can promote the development of turkey testicles, so that turkeys have a strong sexual desire, and establish a conditioned reflex. Male turkeys are trained 2 times a week, and training hours are also used when formal sperm is collected. After two to three weeks of general training, the turkey's response and semen quality can meet the requirements. At this time, we eliminated those male turkeys that did not respond clearly, had little semen volume or had poor sperm motility.

2. Grasp the timing and frequency of insemination The male turkey's sperm can survive in the female turkey for 70 days. Therefore, in the first week before the mother turkey is born, 70%-80% of the female turkeys begin to inseminate when they have a “crouching” phenomenon, which is the best effect. After insemination for the first time, lose it once more in 3 days, and change it to weekly in about 2 weeks. At the peak of egg production, insemination occurs 10 or 2 weeks. In the later stage of laying, increase the number of insemination. Each infusion time is better after 2 pm and evening.

3. Sperm use time The semen of the male turkey should be used within half an hour after production, otherwise it will affect the quality of the sperm. The use of special poultry semen dilutions mixed with the original turkey semen can be stored for a longer period of time, still allowing the fertilization rate to reach 70%.

4. Precautions for sperm collection Prevent damage to the male and female turkeys during operation, and exercise gently during sperm collection and insemination.


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