Reasonable selection of feed for fish feed

1. The choice of feed grade

It is recommended that fish farming households should rely on the balance of breeding break-even point. When the fish price of single catties does not exceed the feed cost of single catty fish breeding, low grade feed should be selected; when the fish price of pound fish is higher than the cost of catfish breeding, it should be selected High-grade feed, and the higher the grade, the more cost-effective.

2. Selection of feed particle size

The size of the feed particle size is generally selected from the range of 1/4 to 2/3 of the longitudinal length of the fish split, and the specific choice of the fish's inherent crack size. For example, grasshoppers with large mouth cracks can choose to have a larger proportion of longitudinal cracks, 1/2 to 2/3; white fish, squid, and squid have a slightly smaller ratio of 1/4 to 1/3. The aspect ratio of the feed is also based on the specific species, generally 1.5 to 2.5:1. Therefore, before purchasing aquafeeds, it is important to clarify the size of the fish and determine the appropriate feed particle size based on the size of the fish. In this way, it will not cause feed wastage, nor will it affect the fish's food intake.

3. Selection of feeding methods

(1) The importance of domestication. Fish generally require domestication to the surface of the water to concentrate on feeding and begin normal feeding. Taming methods can be flexible, the majority of the time in 3 to 10 days, the longest no more than two weeks, that is able to tame success. Many people are skeptical or unwilling to tame food, or lack patience and tame food is unsuccessful. What is more about the growth of the fish and the production budget? The benefits of acclimated fish feeding on the fish include: direct observation of fish growth, size and size, selection of the type of feed to be used, reasonable selection of grain size, and reasonable control of feeding amount; flexible control over the growth rate of fish according to market conditions and profit budgets. Timely listing for good profit returns and more. It can be seen that the importance of tame food is self-evident.

(2) Pay attention to the feeding method. The feeding method has a lot of attention, such as: feeding speed, feeding area, number of feeding, placement position of the automatic feeder. Feeding methods should be flexibly adjusted according to specific conditions. Such as grass carp, carp, carp polyculture mode, grass carp eat fast, eat large, carp, carp eat "Sven", if you do not pay attention to the improvement of feeding methods (feeding speed increase, feeding time is shortened ), Eel, squid will grow small. Fish farmers should always think about feeding methods and breeding effects so that timely measures can be taken to adjust improper feeding methods to increase the breeding efficiency.

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