Computer family's healthy diet

IT family's healthy diet computer radiation can cause autonomic disorders, depression, in addition, computer screen constantly changing and up and down the various characters will irritate the eyes, computer operators often feel eye fatigue, shoulder back pain. If you work in water shortages, undernutrition, and lack of vitamins, your body’s resistance to radiation decreases, and you are prone to illness.

In order to prevent computer operators suffering from these occupational diseases, reasonable diets should be taken care of.

Breakfast: It should be well eaten and full of nutrition to ensure strong energy and have enough calories.

Chinese food: Eat more foods high in protein, such as lean pork, beef, mutton, chickens and ducks, animal organs, various fish, beans, and soy products.

Dinner: It should be light, eat more foods high in vitamins, such as various fresh vegetables, eat some fresh fruit after a meal.

Brain food: Use phospholipid-rich foods such as egg yolks, fish, shrimp, walnuts, and peanuts.

Eye-protection foods: IT family should consciously use more eye-protective foods, protect eyes, prevent myopia and other eye diseases. Eye-healthy foods include livers of various animals, milk, goat's milk, butter, millet, walnuts, carrots and vegetables. , spinach, cabbage, tomatoes, day lily, spinach, wolfberry fruit and a variety of fresh fruit.

In addition, after the computer operator has worked for 1-2 hours, he should have an activity on the whole body and do eye exercises. As long as he pays attention to the combination of dietary structure and work and rest, he can strengthen the body's resistance and prevent the occurrence of related diseases.

Anti-Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic, etiology of inflammatory synovitis-based systemic disease. It is characterized by hand, small joints of the joints, symmetry, invasive joint inflammation, often associated with external organ involvement and serum rheumatoid factor positive, can lead to joint deformity and loss of function. According to statistics, the incidence of rheumatoid arthritis in women is 2 to 3 times that of men.It can occur at any age, high incidence of age 40 to 60 years old. People who has rheumatoid arthritis in the late, severe or long-term bedridden patients, due to combined infection, gastrointestinal bleeding, heart, lung or kidney disease can be crisis to life. The main purpose of treatment for Rheumatoid arthritis is to reduce the inflammation of the joints, inhibit the development of lesions and irreversible bone destruction, as far as possible to protect the function of joints and muscles, and ultimately achieve complete disease remission or low disease activity target. Treatment principles include 1. Patient education, 2. General treatment 3. Drug treatment 4. Immune purification 5. Functional exercise 6. Surgical treatment. Anti-Rheumatoid arthritis drug treatment mainly includes non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, slow-acting anti-rheumatic drugs, immunosuppressive agents, immune and biological agents and botanicals. Over the past decade, the treatment of extra-articular lesions and the emergence of new therapies, so that the efficacy of rheumatoid arthritis has been significantly improved. Most patients with rheumatoid arthritis can get a good control or even complete remission.

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