Teen breakfast is best served with vegetables

Adolescents are a special period of growth and development of children. The demand for nutrition is rapidly increasing and is very sensitive. If the supply is insufficient or unreasonable, it will easily lead to various nutritional deficiencies. Experts remind parents that eating vegetables for breakfast has great benefits for children's adolescent growth and development.

Experts stressed that many children appear on the breakfast table are dairy products, eggs, soy milk, porridge, bread, fried foods and so on. These foods are rich in carbohydrates, proteins and fats and are acidic. Vegetables are not only rich in carotene and a variety of water-soluble vitamins, but also contain many calcium, potassium and magnesium. These are all alkaline. If you eat vegetables for breakfast, you can achieve acid-base balance. A reasonable breakfast during puberty should be a proper mix of pasta, vegetables, milk, peanuts, legumes, and a small amount of animal food.

Adolescents are in a period of vigorous growth, bone development is rapid, and they need to have sufficient calcium intake. At present, the intake of calcium in primary and secondary school students in China is generally insufficient, less than half of the recommended supply. Therefore, young people should take a certain amount of milk and legumes daily to supplement calcium deficiency. Girls at puberty should eat seafood from time to time to increase iodine intake.

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