Processing Techniques of Aracia and Variegated Fleas (I)

Red shell. Also known as the burrow, it belongs to the genus of the genus Valerianidae, and is also known as the Polygonaceae. The shells are large and strong. The two shells on the left and right are equal. They are obliquely ovoid and extremely dilated. The top of the shell expands and protrudes, and the radiating ribs are wide and smooth without obvious nodules. About 42-48, 43 are more. Shell surface is white, a small amount of brown hair; shell surface is white, straight hinge, hinge teeth about 70. Mainly located in the coastal areas of China, Japan and North Korea, living in the 3-5m water exploration soft mud or silty seabed. The filaments are tough and mostly adhere to gravel or dead shells. No water pipe, after the dive, only the rear part exposed the sea floor. Kuixie is a cold-water shellfish, with a water temperature of 5 to 25°C and a delicious meat. Rich in nutrition, suitable for fresh food. China enjoys a wealth of resources, and in addition to supplying the domestic market, there are a large number of dry and frozen shellfish meat exports every year. Japanese people generally like to eat raw shellfish meat, so Japanese merchants have strict requirements on red shellfish meat. If the checked E. coli and bacteria exceed the prescribed standards, they must not be allowed to eat. Therefore, to process dry frozen red shellfish, we must strictly implement hygiene standards to ensure product quality. First, the process of raw materials → → wash → break the shell to take meat → axe foot → washing → to the dirty plastic → open → sorting → weighing → loading → frozen → → → → ice plated packaging → finished product → refrigeration two Operational requirements 1. Raw materials require the use of fresh red shells, and the use of dead shells or frozen shellfish is strictly prohibited. 2. Broken shells are taken from the designated “wool workshop” and open-air operations are not allowed. Before shelling, it is necessary to rinse the shell's sediment. Hand-operated shells are usually used to hold the shell of the shell body in the left hand and the shell cutters in the right hand to open the shell between the top of the two shells (ie the ligaments and the hinge teeth), then the knife is inserted from the gap and moves close to the shell wall. Cut off one side of the front and rear shell muscles, and then cut off the other side of the adductor muscle, the shellfish off; or a case of a broken shell shell top, insert the knife from the hole, and then use the above method to take meat. When removing meat, first remove the shellfish. When you go to the shellfish, first hold the axe foot from the base of the axe with one hand, and then use the other hand to scrape the mantle together with the iliac crest and the adductor muscle, but you should prevent the axe from being torn. The axe removed should be promptly rinsed with ice water to remove mucus and blood stains, and to remove dirt, such as broken shells, floating mud, etc., and then drain the water to remove the internal organs. Note that it is strictly forbidden to soak meat in water. 3. Opening and opening films are the key to the success or failure of processing and should be carefully interpreted. When opening the tablet, place the axe flat on the operating table, hold the axe foot with one hand, and advance the knife from the internal organs to the crown of the axe until the middle of the foot; use a knife to make the profile symmetrical and the thickness uniform. Smooth, retains the crown of the axe and connects both axe feet. The development was similar to that of a butterfly butterfly. 4. Go to the viscera with a knife and diagonally remove the two pieces of viscera. Ask to remove it cleanly, and not bring black dirty or red body. If you are bringing oysters, be sure to remove the eggs. Allows the use of a knife to cut off the corners and residual film. 5. Salt cleaning is mainly to remove the mucus on the surface of shellfish by salt water. Usually with fine salt (3%) withdraw from the erythra, stir it by hand for about 10 seconds, then rinse with fresh water, and wash it with hand for about 10 seconds. 6. The sorting is performed according to the requirements of the sensory index of the finished product and only a few specifications. At the same time, sorting shall pick out chopped shells and other debris, and reject the unqualified shellfish. After sorting, rinse with clean water once, and drain on the drain rack to drain it until it is almost no drip. Sorting generally with every o. 25kg contained in the size (red meat number) to grading, can be divided into: 8 - l 2 tablets 113 - 15 tablets; 16 - 20 tablets; 2l - 25 tablets 526 - 30 tablets; 3l - 40 tablets and several other levels . 7. Weighing the loading plate is weighed according to the net weight plus the amount of letting water, so that the amount of water can be determined experimentally according to the technological conditions, and is generally 10% of the net weight. Not only must the weight of the plate be sufficient, but also it must be neat and beautiful. Each plate is placed in two layers. A plastic diaphragm is placed in the middle and the upper layer is placed in a pendulum. The lower layer is less pendulum. Place the specification label and carry out the sampling inspection according to the regulations. After passing the test, it can be transferred to the next process. 8. Freeze the frozen shellfish and freeze it. The temperature should be below 25°C. The quick-freezing time must not exceed l2h, and freezing can only be terminated when the geometric center temperature of the frozen block reaches -18°C. Keep in mind when storing in the freezer. It is forbidden to bump the meat dish so as not to disturb the arranged meat. 9. Withdraw from the plate by water soaking method, the water temperature should not be too high to prevent the surface of the frozen block from melting excessively; the water temperature should not be too low to avoid the difficulty of removing the plate; the water temperature varies from season to season and generally cannot exceed 20°C. Take off the disk carefully. To prevent serious scratches and breaks, it is necessary to apply ice-plating clothes promptly after removal. L0. Glazed icings are carried out in a low-temperature package. The storage temperature is about -10°C. The ice-plating water should be cleaned. The water temperature is -4°C, and the icing clothes are usually applied twice, each time for 3-5 seconds. LL packaging and packaging in the low-temperature packaging, packaging to look at the block by the appearance, poor or cracked ice clothing to be removed, for remedial treatment. After the plastic bag is packed, the bag must be folded to check the specifications, so as to prevent the end of the box from being printed with specifications and codes, and transferred to the cold storage in time. 12. Refrigerated refrigerator temperature should be below -18 °C, relatively constant, does not allow greater fluctuations. When cultivating, the underlay should be placed with padding, which should be separated and put into batches according to batches and specifications. The voids should be properly left in the turn, and the spacing between the crucible and the wall and the evaporating pipe should be not less than 500 mm. 5 The evaporating pipe has been frosted Defrost in time when thick, so as to maintain a low temperature. The cold storage custodian should regularly check and, if it is found that the temperature of the warehouse has risen too far, it should promptly notify the compressor room to take measures to reduce the temperature. Third, the quality requirements 1. The sensory index shellfish quality is fresh, normal color, no blood; has the inherent scent of lively Kuai. No odor; each meat piece is connected with the axe, and symmetrically assumes a butterfly shape after deployment; the knife edge is neat, uniform in thickness, and may not be cut through or other damage; no impurities. 2. The number of microorganisms used was 100,000 seed/g; the number of E. coli strains was 30/l. D08l could not detect pathogens or shellfish poisons. Or according to customer requirements standards.

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