Non-pollution and fast fattening technical measures of sheep

With the improvement of people’s living standards, people’s demand for mutton sheep has gradually shifted from quantity demand to quality demand. In particular, after China’s accession to the WTO, “green barriers” in international trade and other restrictive measures have raised the quality of mutton sheep in China. High demand. In this regard, we should closely follow the development of the situation, take the market as the guide, and actively implement strategic transformation, from the current quantitative model to the qualitative one. Now the pollution-free fast fattening technology measures for meat sheep are described as follows: 1 The establishment of non-polluted sheep farms should be conducted in a place where there is no infectious disease and where air, soil, water, etc. meet the environmental protection standards, away from polluting industries and mines, and the environment should be quiet. , To create a good ecological environment for the pollution-free breeding of sheep. 2 Reasonably choose breeds to select foreign meat breeds with excellent meat production performance, such as Boer goats and local white goats, and rams and local ewes. Setters and Merino rams will be crossed with local small-tail sheep. Choosing the hybrid lambs produced by them for fattening can significantly improve the meat production performance of the fattening sheep. 3 Scientific feeding and management 3.1 Routine management The sheep farm should have a strict disinfection system and complete disinfection facilities. The breeding density should be moderate, with an appropriate range of 0.5 to 0.8 square meters per square meter. The temperature inside the sheep house should be suitable and the ventilation should be good. 3.2 Early supplementation As soon as possible supplementation can enable the lamb to obtain a more complete nutrients, but also early exercise gastrointestinal digestive function, promote the healthy development of the gastrointestinal system, enhance the body of the lamb, ready for the next fast fattening. One week after birth, the lamb can begin to replenish some fresh grass, leaves and soft hay, etc., and hang it on a shelf that can be eaten by the lambs in the high places, so that the lambs can feed freely. In order to make up for the lambs as soon as possible, the fried condiments can be initially served in pots to induce the lambs to feed through the scent. The powder can also be applied to the lamb's mouth to allow it to be repeatedly ground. The lamb can gradually feed the concentrate after 1 week of training. In order to ensure that the lamb can eat, you can set a lamb bar on the side of the sheep's collar and set a feed slot in the bar to allow lambs to come and go freely and eat at any time. The fine material must be ground, the proportion should be appropriate, nutrition should be comprehensive, especially around the age of 50 days is the most important period for the transition from feeding to feeding for lambs. Due to the decrease of breastfeeding and increase of feed intake, attention should be paid to the diet. Full price, high levels of protein and energy nutrition. Usually two-week-old lamb, can eat concentrates 50 to 708 per day, 3 to 4 weeks of age can eat 100 to 150g, can eat more than 200g before weaning; 1 month old lamb can eat 100g of hay a day, 2 months of age 400g, 3 months old 700g, 4 months old 1000g. 3.3 There is no uniform requirement for reasonable weaning time for weaning lambs in the dry period. Abroad is generally weaned at 45-50 days of age, and domestically weaned at 2 months of age. After weaning, the lamb is left in the original shed. The ewes are kept in the farther sheep house to prevent the lamb from reading the ewes and affecting the feeding. The lambs should be weaned gradually so that they have a process of adaptation. Usually after 5 ~ 6d is appropriate. When weaning begins, the mother is allowed to breast-feed only twice a day in the morning and evening, and then it is changed to breast-feeding once, and finally weaned completely. Gradually weaning can also prevent eczema mastitis, and it is also conducive to the healthy development of lambs. When rearing large groups, lambs of similar age and size must be weaned at the same time. This will help the group ewe restore strength at the same time. The next time the estrus is neat, the lambs will be concentrated and the sheep will be managed in a unified manner. 3.4 Timely castration Lambs used for fattening should generally be cast in 1 to 3 weeks. At this time, castration will help improve the quality of the meat, make the meat tender, reduce the smell, and make the sheep temperate, easy management, save feed , easy to fatten, but also to prevent the collocation disorder. 3.5 Fine Feeding Fattening Sheep The traditional method of feeding is used instead of feeding in fine-fattening rearing methods. Make full use of crop straw, hay, and agricultural and sideline products to achieve a reasonable mix of crude and refined feed. Roughage can be used hay, corn stalks, etc., should be fed less Tim Tim, in order to not leave the grass tank: fine material can be 2 times a day, 150 ~ 300g per day, the proportion of commonly used feed formula: 30% of pre-bred bean cake, Wheat bran 15% and corn 95%; mid-stage soybean cake 25%, wheat bran 15%, and corn 60%; soybean cake 20%, wheat bran 15%, and corn 65% during the late growing period. Add salt 1.5%. Vitamins and trace elements were 0.1%. To feed regularly, drink water, drink plenty of water, have good water quality, and keep it clean. In winter and spring, the water temperature is generally not lower than 20°C. 3.6 Appropriate use of tumor suppressor additives to reduce excess acidity caused by abnormal fermentation in the rumen and prevent chronic acidosis. When fattening lambs with high concentrate diets, do not feed silage with excessive acidity and add in the diet. A suitable amount of rumen-modulating additives, such as buffer compounds such as sodium bicarbonate and magnesium oxide. Generally, the ratio of sodium bicarbonate to magnesium oxide is 2:1, and the amount of sodium bicarbonate is 1.4% to 2.0% (concentrate). 4 Perfecting the epidemic prevention system for pest prevention should be combined with the local actual conditions to formulate a relatively perfect epidemic prevention program and plan for epidemic prevention. Inside and outside the sheep pen, they are regularly cleaned and regularly sterilized. Disinfect with vegetation grey water or 10%-20% lime milk solution or 9%-10% bleaching powder; the goat body should be regularly sterilized, and the lamb for fattening should be dewormed once and after weaning, respectively. In order to prevent internal parasites harm, affect the fattening effect. Commonly used anthelmintic drugs are: Sulfodidichlorophenol and levamisole hydrochloride are administered orally at 35 to 75 mg/kg body weight and 5 to 10 mg/kg body weight, respectively. If there is an epidemic disease to be treated in time, it is recommended to use Chinese herbal medicine to prevent and treat it. Feeding sheep with fresh poplar leaves in summer can save feed and prevent diarrhea. If gastroenteritis occurs, it can be treated or prevented by Pulsatilla or Purslane. 5 Sheep slaughtered at a proper time generally have a fast growth rate in the early stage and a slower growth in the later stage. If they are slaughtered after reaching the age of 1 or above, they will not only have high feed costs, but also have thicker fat, higher odor, and rougher flesh. Therefore, lamb slaughter at the slaughter stage is generally best at 5 to 6 months of age.

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