What type of diabetes people have a biased diet?

What kind of disease is the treatment of diabetes misconceptions? There are people who are hurting, and we all need to have our own understanding, because the emergence of type 2 diabetes is basically not an ordinary disease, but the patient is more To understand some of the dietary methods, then, what type of diabetes can have a biased diet? The following specific answers.

1. The main food for diabetic patients is usually rice, noodles, but we prefer coarse grains, such as oats, cereal, cornmeal, etc., because these foods have more inorganic salts, vitamins, and are rich in dietary fiber, dietary fiber. With a role in reducing blood sugar, blood sugar is beneficial to control.

2. Lard, butter, butter, butter, butter, etc. rich in saturated fatty acids are rarely used. It is best not to use it. Vegetable oil can be used instead of some animal oils. Peanuts, walnuts, sesame, and melon seeds contain quite a lot of fat. Try not to eat or eat less or reduce oil intake.

3, banned foods are: sugar, red ponds, glucose and sugar sweets, such as candy, cakes, jams, preserves, ice cream, sweet drinks. In addition, potatoes containing more carbohydrates, yam, wolfberry, wolfberry, garlic sprouts, carrots, etc., are used less or reduced to reduce the amount of main food.

4. When diabetics are still feeling hungry while controlling their calories, they can eat less sugar-containing vegetables, add some condiments and boil them after boiling. Because vegetables contain more dietary fiber, more water, low heating energy, and satiety, it is an essential food for diabetics. Diabetes use vegetables: kelp, mustard, dried bamboo shoots, leeks, lotus root, rapeseed, spinach, fungus, mushrooms, onions, bitter gourd, wax gourd, pumpkin

The above is related to the diet of the disease, you already understand it. For the emergence of the disease, we must be vigilant, early detection, timely treatment of diabetes, in order to eliminate the disease.

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