High-yielding and high-quality millet - cultivation of Jingu No. 3

High-yielding and high-quality millet - Jingu No. 3, which is cultivated in Jingu No. 3, is a high-yielding, high-yielding, high-quality millet variety with high yield and good quality, which changes the low-yielding and low-efficiency appearance of millet, making it a high-yield and high-efficiency crop. 1.Characteristics Characteristics of Jingu No.3: 1 The stalk has a high stem diameter, a plant height of about 1.5 meters, a thick stem, and lodging resistance. 2 Grain spikes, ear length 30-40 centimeters, big spikes above 30 cm account for 85%; ear thickness 5-7 centimeters; ear weight 50-70 grams; grain yield 90%, large and uniform grains, weight 3.8 grams. 3 meters high quality, out of rice rate 85%, golden yellow, large and round grain, fragrant rice flavor, there is a good taste, good taste, in line with the national standard of high-quality rice. 4 grain and double height, about 7500 kilograms of hectare output, 15000 kilograms of hectares of grass production, can feed 10-15 large livestock, is conducive to the realization of "a kind of farming, to promote the promotion of a kind" a virtuous circle. 2. Cultivation techniques Soil preparation for fertilization, 667 m2 fertilizer application of 2-3 m3, compound fertilizer 30-50 kg, deep ridge lifting, ridge spacing 60 cm. For example, 667 square meters of US NEB bacteria fertilizer 2-3 bags, the root system increased several times, the effect of increasing production is more pronounced. Sowing can be done according to local conditions. Seeding is generally done from late April to early May. Seed drying before planting 2-3 days, enhance bud potential. Seeds were bred with salt water to remove pods, dried and then dressed with vegetative fertilizer. In the ridge ditching, stepping on the bottom grid sowing, 667 square meters sowing volume of 400-500 grams, covering earth 2-3 cm, suppression of rubbing. Pre-emergence repression, when the seedlings top soil, press the dumplings once more to promote the delivery and strong seedlings, which is an increase in production measures. Seedlings when the seedlings 3-4 leaves when the seedlings, 5-6 leaves when the Dingmiao, seedlings from 8-9 cm, double lines Guai word seedlings, that is, 22-24 per m rice seedlings, 667 square meters seedlings 24000-26000 strains. Seedlings planted with chemical control can be planted without the use of seedlings. Only seedlings can be planted in areas where individual seedlings are too dense. 667 square meters can save 4-5 seedlings. After the seedlings are sown, 3 times of shoveling, loosening, warming, and weeding are performed, and field weeds are removed timely in the later period. Water and fertilizer management, after the first seedlings poured water, combined with watering 667 square meters topdressing urea 10 kg, and promote strong seedlings and delivery. Conditional watering at the jointing stage and heading stage is performed one time and the heading fertilizer is chased. Such as foliar spray 2 - 3 times the spring rain 1 or fulvic acid and other foliar fertilizer, the effect of increasing production is better. During the growing period, pesticides such as corn borer, chestnut stem borer and slimeworm should be sprayed in time. (Zhang Zhenlin, Qianan Town Government, Qianan County, Jilin Province)

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