Non-pollution Cultivation of Pepper

Pepper belongs to the Solanaceae plant and has the characteristics of high temperature, low temperature, high drought resistance, and low light resistance. According to the fruit type characteristics can be divided into three types of pepper, bell pepper and pepper, non-polluted pepper production by the relevant testing and certification agencies for testing and certification. The main points of its production technology are as follows: 1. The selection of sites and site preparations in the pollution-free production area is characterized by flat terrain, convenient drainage and irrigation, and the soil is rich in organic matter. The former crop is a plot of non-soy fruit crops. Apply 4000-6000 kg of rotten farmyard fertilizer per acre, 40-50 kg of diammonium phosphate and 10-15 kg of potassium sulfate as base fertilizer. After deep-turning and leveling, it is 50-60 cm apart. Second, choose high-quality disease-resistant varieties of open cultivation, the pepper can choose Zhongjiao No. 6, Jinjiao No. 3, No. 2, No. 3, No. 2, No. 3, Xiangyan, etc. Sweet pepper optional farm music, egg door, Zhongjiao 2,4,5, agricultural hair and so on. When cultivated in protected areas, peppers can be selected from No.6, No.3, No.3, No.10 Zhongjiao, etc. Bell peppers were selected on the 5th and 7th sweet peppers, on the 2nd, 3rd and 6th on the sweet, and on the 3rd on the Jinjiao. Colorful pepper selection Huang Opel, purple noble, white princess, the United States and Nepal alone, Andale. Third, soaking germination Select 1% potassium permanganate solution soaking for 20 minutes, repeatedly washed with water after the seeds immersed in 55 °C warm water, stirring constantly, until the water temperature dropped to 30 °C, stop stirring, soak 8-12 hours. Pack with a damp cloth and germinate at 30°C. Fourth, sowing and nursery can be used greenhouses, shed Yangshuo or hotbed nursery. The nursery soil can be prepared by mixing pastoral soil with decomposed organic fertilizer, and the proportion of organic fertilizer is not less than 30%. The nursery bed was sterilized with 30-50 ml of formalin plus 3 kg of water per square meter. The film was covered with a film and sealed for 5 days. The film was removed and sowed 15 days later. The seeding rate is generally 170-200 grams per acre, and the sown area is 4-5 square meters. When seedlings grow to 2-3 true leaves, they should be divided into seedlings. Sub-seedlings were allowed to cool down at the appropriate time after 1 week of seedling emergence, and water and fertilizer were appropriately controlled to prevent leggy. Gradually seedlings were given 7-8 days before planting according to the conditions of the planting site. Fifth, colonization and growth period management 1, colonization. After the nursery, the spacing is 50-60 centimeters and the planting distance is 25-30 centimeters. Two plants per hole can plant 8000-10,000 plants per acre. Planting water should be planted after planting, and the amount of water should not be too large. After planting water, timely cultivating loose soil, increasing ground temperature and promoting root growth. After 8-10 days, the seedling water is poured again. After controlling the seedlings, water and fertilizer are promptly controlled to carry out the seedlings and promote the production of roots. After the fruit is set, the seedlings are finished. 2, fertilizer and water management. After the door pepper sat, combined with water per acre topdressing 15 kg of urea or 50 kg of cooked cake fat; fruit harvesting combined with water per acre topdressing 15-30 kg of ammonium phosphate. Into the full fruit period, every 7-10 days, pouring a small water, every time after the water chase a fertilizer, each mus of 5-10 tons of urea, potassium sulfate 8-10 kg or 50 kg of cooked cake fat. When flooding, it is forbidden to flood irrigation and cloudy watering in the evening and promote irrigation under the membrane. 3, pest control. The main pests and diseases of pepper are epidemics, anthrax, viral diseases and aphids. For prevention and control, priority should be given to agricultural control methods and physical control methods. The use of chemical agents should be controlled according to pollution-free selection of drugs, medication. (1) Agricultural Control Law. Avoid continuous cropping and replanting; timely remove diseased plants, remove diseased leaves, diseased fruits, and bring them out of the field to burn or bury them deeply. (2) Yellow plates seduce aphids. Use 100 cm 20 cm cardboard, apply yellow paint, apply a layer of engine oil, and hung between rows or plants, about 30-40 pieces per mu. (3) Disease prevention and control. At the beginning of the disease, 72.2% Preclosure 800 times solution was used to irrigate the roots, 100-200 ml per hole. Or spray with 64% antitoxic WP 500 times or 70% EB WP wettable 500 times. (4) Control of anthrax. It can be used 80% anthraquinone Fortune magnesium wettable powder 600 times or 75% chlorothalonil wettable powder 600 times spray, 7-10 days once, and even spray 2-3 times. (5) Prevention and treatment of viral diseases. It is mainly prevention, avoiding high temperature and drought conditions from the start of sowing, and at the same time completely controlling the locusts. 6. After harvesting, the harvested pepper fruits were first tested according to the pollution-free standard, and qualified after being graded and packaged and labeled for listing.

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