
Paste Begonia, also known as the horned jellyfish, attached to the stem papaya. Rosaceae deciduous shrubs, plant height is generally not more than two meters, branches dense, flat extension, sticky branches, no hair. Leaves long oval, hypertrophic dark green, flowers solitary or several clustered on biennial branches, vermilion, single or double, diameter of about three to five centimeters, pedicels very short. It blooms in the spring of March and April, and has a long flowering period. Ripe in October, fruit like kiwi, yellow or yellow-green, fragrant. Post stem sea bream, native to central China. It has strong adaptability, cold-resistance and lax soil requirements. However, it is not suitable to plant in low-lying water areas because of the preference for rich and loamy loamy soil. Yellow spots appear on water stains, and even the roots rot. Hi light but also shade. Wet and humid are not tolerant to drought, and if it is too dry in spring, it will stop growing and become semi-dormant. Reproduction can be done with ramets, cuttings, battening or sowing. The ramets and layering method are often used in small quantities. The ramets are generally dug out in the autumn and divided into several branches to be implanted to promote wound healing and to be planted again in late spring. It can also be divided in spring. The beading is mostly carried out in spring and autumn. If a large number of seedlings are to be propagated, cuttings and sowing methods can be used. Cuttings can be combined in early spring or late autumn with plastic surgery. Cut branches of one and two years old, cut into about ten centimeters long, and soak in the lower part of the indole acid for a certain period of time, insert it in the gangue bed, keep the temperature at twenty to twenty-five degrees Celsius and the humidity at eight percent About ten years later, after rooting, gradually reduce the humidity and plant it one year later. After the planting, the management of the growing season will be strengthened. After two years, it will become a robust plant and will bud and bloom. Cultivation management is relatively simple, and it is planted in a well-drained area of ​​Xiangyang. It is applied twice a year in a year, and the prevention and control of pests and diseases can be achieved.


The main component of this preparation is human immunoglobulin, which is prepared by cold ethanol fractionation of human plasma from healthy donors. The manufacturing process contains a step to remove anticomplementary activity and a dual viral inactivation process. It contains a suitable amount of glucose or maltose as stabilizer (see table below), but does not contain any antiseptic or antibiotic. The distribution of IgG subclasses is close to the serum level of normal subjects and maintains the bioactivity of Fc fragment of IgG.


1. Primary agammaglobulinemia, such as X-linked hypogammaglobulinemia, common variant immunodeficiency diseases, immunoglobulin G subclass deficiency, etc.

2. Secondary immunoglobulin deficiency diseases, such as severe infection, septicemia of newborn, etc

3. Autoimmune diseases, such as primary thrombocytopenic purpura, Kawasaki disease

Intravenous Injection Of Human Immunoglobulin

Intravenous Injection Of Human Immunoglobulin,Intravenous Immunoglobulin,High-Quality Effective Intravenous Immunoglobulin,Human Immunoglobulin For Intravenous Injection

Sichuan Yuanda Shuyang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. ,

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