Sesame high yield chasing "three fats"

In order to obtain good quality and high yield of sesame, in addition to using good varieties, it is necessary to carry out scientific and reasonable top dressing, specifically:

In the seedling stage, due to too much nitrogen fertilizer at the bottom, seedlings are prosperous and form high seedlings. Therefore, only a part of nitrogen fertilizer is used as the base fertilizer at the seedling stage. The masses have the saying "see Miao fertilizer." In the case of poor seedlings or large differences in seedling size, a small amount of top-up shooter fertilizer may be used to dilute the decomposed human excreta or urea. Because the sesame root system is shallow at this time, it should be applied as shallowly as possible during fertilization.

The bud stage of sesame budding is the stage of flower bud differentiation. The vegetative growth and reproductive growth of sesame go hand in hand. At this time, the top dressing effect is the best. Top dressing should be dominated by nitrogen fertilizer, supplemented by phosphorus and potassium fertilizers. Boron fertilizers should be applied in areas that lack boron.

During the flowering period, sesame grows fastest during the flowering period, and the nutrients absorbed during this period account for 70% to 80% of the entire growth period. In order to meet the needs of plant growth and development, so that sesame grows vigorously, accumulate more photosynthetic products, increase the number of calyx, stable long-term is not premature aging, so that the grain is full and full, must be re-applied fertilizer. At this time the lateral roots have begun to form a large number, the absorption capacity of the root system is enhanced, the growth rate of the plants is accelerated, and the demand for nutrients is also significantly increased. It is more convenient to use chemical fertilizers when fertilizing, and it is also possible to use decomposed cakes, manure, and manure.

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