Spinach Fertilization Technology

1 basal fat. Spring spinach sowing early, can be fertilized in the previous year, revoked 4,000-5000 kg per 667 m2 of organic fertilizer, deep plowing 20-25 cm, simmering to do simmering, when the early spring soil defrosting 7-10 cm deep when you can sow . In order to select a neutral viscous soil, compost and fertilizer mixture can be used as base fertilizer. Every 667 square meters of compost 3000-4000 kg, 30-35 kg of superphosphate, 20-25 kg of ammonium sulfate, 10-15 kg of potassium sulfate, 20-25 cm deep to the ground, do the same. Autumn spinach applies 4,000-5,000 kilograms of organic fertilizer per 667 square meters, 25-30 kilograms of superphosphate, 20-25 centimeters deep to the floor, and is made of sorghum or flat eel. Overwintering spinach chooses soil with deep soil, fertile soil, high humus content, and good fertilizer and water storage performance. It should also apply organic fertilizer more than other seasons. It can spread 5,000 kg of organic fertilizer per 667 square meters. Superphosphate 25 - 30 kg, 20-25 cm deep to the ground, so that the soil is fully mixed, loose soil, promote seedlings unearthed and root development. The south should be high sorghum, northern Yiping squat.

2 top dressing. Spring spinach does not need fertilized water at the early stage of growth to facilitate absorption of nutrients in the soil. By the middle and later stages of fertility, the amount of fertilizer and water absorbed will increase, and 15-20 kilograms of ammonium sulfate will be applied every 667 square meters. Due to the short growth period of spring spinach, sufficient nitrogen fertilizer can make the leaves grow vigorously and delay the bolting period. Summer spinach is planting in the hot season, there are 2-3 true leaves, chase after 1-2 times available nitrogen fertilizer, apply ammonium sulfate 10-15 kg per 667 square meters, timely watering after fertilization. 0.3% urea can also be used to spray additional nitrogen fertilizer. After the autumn spinach seedlings are unearthed, when it grows to 4-5 true leaves, it is necessary to apply topdressing nitrogen fertilizer 2-3 times in stages. Every 667 square meters of Shunshui apply 20-25 kilograms of ammonium sulfate, or 10-12 kilograms of urea, to promote the thick growth of the leaves, increase production and improve quality. The overwintering spinach should be fertilized due to a longer growth period, and can be divided into two stages before winter, overwintering, and early spring. The pre-winter growth period is about 50-60 days, combined with irrigation to recover 1 fertilizer, and 10-15 kg of ammonium sulphate per 667 m2. When pouring “frozen water”, apply 1000-1500 kg of diluted manure water. Overwintering does not require top dressing during the growing season. In the early spring growth period 30-40 days, when the leaves of spinach are green and the heart leaves begin to grow, you can pour 1 small water. After the spinach enters a vigorous growth period, fertilizer should be promptly applied, combined with watering of 10-15 kg ammonium sulfate per 667 square meters. Supplying sufficient fertilizer and water during this period can delay whiplash, increase production, and improve quality.

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