Pest control technology for Cistanche

Pest control. Haloxylon powdery mildew was sprayed with B0 to 10 biological agent 300 times, 50% Garnett 500 times, 20% Shibaoling 300 times, and 70% thiophanate-methyl 800 to 1000 times. The root rot of Haloxylon ammodendron was treated with 50% carbendazim 600-fold, 10% root-lobe 1000-fold, and 15% hymexazol 1000-fold. Seed flies were sprayed with 1.8% avermectin 3000 times solution, 5% chlortetracycline 2000 times solution, and 40.7% L. plantarum 1000-1500 times solution. Large gerbils, etc. used zinc phosphide, enemy mouse, Bromozoon and other baits made of poisoning, applied to mice in places where regular activities, attract mice to feed.

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