Eat crayfish allergies how to do

In fact, whether eating lobster is allergic to each person's constitution, the heterogeneous protein contained in lobster and the body's immune cells produce complex biochemical reactions, and the body's immune system abnormalities can cause allergic symptoms. Persons who are allergic to constitutions, try to eat less high-protein foods such as fresh seafood, and allergies should pay attention to some food taboos.

Eating lobster allergy symptoms

1. Systemic symptoms: Mainly manifested as pruritus, rash, and sometimes low fever.

2. Gastrointestinal symptoms: There may be symptoms of gastrointestinal allergy, such as: abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting and so on.

3. Respiratory symptoms: Some people may develop allergic asthma, manifested as chest tightness, belching and extreme dyspnea.

4. Other rare symptoms: multiple parts of the body bleeding, the most common subcutaneous bleeding, blood in the stool, hematuria and so on. We call it "allergic purpura."


How to do lobster allergy

How to solve the problem of eating lobster allergies If you eat less, allergies are not very serious, you can properly eat some foods containing vitamin C, appropriate to eat some calcium tablets can relieve symptoms. The drug can eat chlorpheniramine or cetirizine.

In severe cases, appropriate anti-allergic drugs may be used to treat vitamin C, calcium gluconate, prednisone, etc., which are generally used in combination with four anti-allergic drugs.

This is a skin disease, you need to slowly conditioning. Try not to eat high-protein products such as seafood, shrimp, crabs, oysters and other seafood. Stay away from alcoholic beverages during illness. There must be plenty of rest, the rest time is normal, and the diet is mainly light. Once the rhythm of life is disordered, it is easy to relapse.

How to avoid eating lobster allergies

1. It is best to freeze and pour light salt water. Eat more vinegar, slowly chewing. The enzymes in saliva can slow the absorption of allergens in the gastrointestinal tract.

2. For people with poor intestinal immune function, do not greedy, cook and eat.

3. Eating lobster should not drink beer. When drinking lobsters, drinking a lot of beer will produce too much uric acid, which can form uric acid crystals in the joints and increase the symptoms of arthritis.

4. Lobster bogey and certain fruits with the food. The calcium in the seafood is combined with tannic acid to form a new non-digestible material. Fruits containing more tannic acid include persimmons, grapes, pomegranates, hawthorn, and green fruits.

5. Shrimp bogey and vitamin C with food. Arsenic, which is generally harmless to humans, can be converted to toxic arsenic by the action of vitamin C.

6. Eat lobster Note that it is best not to buy a prawn. At the same time pay attention to eating lobster should not swim immediately. Eating lobster can eat Ouminke to prevent allergies from happening.

Lobster allergies eat anything good

Allergic patients should pay attention to the balance of dietary nutrition after recovery from ill-different foods, and try to eat as little or no fresh seafood as possible. Eat less sweet, warm, spicy foods, such as wine, dog meat, chicken, lamb, shrimp, pumpkin, leeks, peppers, coffee, tea, chocolate, etc. have a greater effect on the skin.

Some foods that are light and rich in vitamins and plant proteins, such as soybeans, brown rice, buckwheat, bean products, chestnuts, carrots, cabbages, green peppers, fruits, and low-cholesterol dried fruits, should be taken up.

The usual diet should be rich in nutrition to improve the body's immune system, so it can also reduce the incidence of allergic symptoms. Of course, if you can with appropriate exercise, and maintain an optimistic mood, allergies are very helpful to improve.



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