Erdu Yangmei Cultivation Technology

I. Introduction of Yangmei's varieties
1, Yangmei varieties headed varieties: (1) deep red species. Mature in late June, dark red fruit surface, meat is soft, sweet, good flavor, high quality, average fruit weight 13.1 g, maximum 16.3 g, sugar content 12.4%, edible rate 93.2%, strong tree vigor, climate adaptation Strong, but we must properly control the fertilizer. The weakness is that the size of the result is very serious. (2) Crystal species. Also known as Baisha Yangmei. Mature in late June, the flesh is white, soft and meticulous, with lots of sap, sweet and slightly acid, good quality, and special flavor. The average fruit weight is 14.4g, the maximum is 17.3g, the sugar content is 13.4%, the edible rate is 93.6%. Strong tree vigor, strong resistance to disease, wide adaptability to the soil, most suitable for loose soil, deep sandy soil and yellow loam. Weaknesses are when the rain is ripe, white under the trees, short time, and difficult to transport. (3) Dongkui Yangmei. Mature in early July, late-maturing varieties, July 15 sunset, high spherical fruit, the average fruit weight of 25.1 grams, the largest single fruit weight of 50 grams or more, is the largest fruit shape of bayberry varieties, fruit purple or dark red, meat The column is slightly thicker, has more juice, and has a strong flavor. The sugar content is 13.4%, the edible rate is 94.8%, and the quality is superior. Currently, it is being promoted and developed.
Followed by wolfberry species, is a mid-maturing variety, mature in mid-late June. As early as honey, it is an early maturing variety and matures on June 7-15.
2, Yangmei's development prospects do not look at shallow streams in the mountainous area. Planting red bayberry is a good way for mountain farmers to become rich. It is a good way to read the word "mountain", do a good job of writing articles in the mountains, adjust the industrial structure, and develop into an efficient agriculture.
In addition to fresh plum, Yangmei can also make canned foods such as canned sugar, jams, candied fruit, fruit juices, dried fruit, and fruit wine. Its pure taste and aroma are very popular with consumers.
The development of bayberry production has good ecological and social benefits. The bayberry is strong in nature, resistant to aphid, cold and drought, has wide adaptability, fewer diseases and insect pests, less investment, long economic life, good efficiency, and can increase farmers' income. It is a treasure for mountainous people. Yangmei has a beautiful posture, luxuriant foliage and evergreen throughout the year. It optimizes the ecological environment and is of positive significance for afforestation of barren hills and development of mountain resources. It has a certain effect on maintaining soil erosion and reducing soil erosion. The evergreens of the four seasons have certain ornamental value, exhale fresh air, and prolong lifespan. In addition, as the living standards of the people continue to increase, the demand for fresh fruits and processed bayberry products increases, and the prices increase steadily, especially in the northwestern markets and foreign markets in China. The potential is great. The listing of Yangmei is of great significance in meeting the people’s needs and expanding foreign trade. Therefore, the development of Yangmei has broad prospects for production.
Second, Yangmei's growth and development environment (production conditions)
There are many natural factors that affect the growth and development of bayberry fruit trees. Such as temperature, moisture, soil, etc. are indispensable conditions for the growth and development of red bayberry. The conditions of survival, topography, slope, aspect, wind, frost, freezing, snow, and drought have a great influence on the growth of red bayberry as an aid. Conditions, called ecological conditions.
1, living conditions (1) temperature, temperature. Yangmei is a warm and hardy evergreen fruit tree. The most suitable annual average temperature is between 15-20 °C, and the absolute minimum temperature is -9 °C. When the lowest temperature in winter occurs from -2°C to -9°C, the highest temperature is 0°C, so that the temperature of more than three consecutive days will cause the bayberry tree to be severely frozen, and cause a significant reduction in production. During the flowering period (early April), the flowers are more hardy and the temperature has little effect on flowering. Although Yangmei is warm, but afraid of high heat, especially in the hot sun, the temperature is too high, it is easy to cause anxious tree bark, and even large branches withered and died. The highest monthly average temperature of more than 28°C will affect the results of the preparation of branches and flower buds, as well as the annual production. During the May-June period, the fruit grows to maturity and the temperature is too high, which will lead to an increase in the acid content of the fruit and a decrease in the sugar-acid ratio. The high temperature will also make the bayberry flowering ahead of schedule, and the maturity period will also be earlier. It is best to keep the grass warm in the winter, pick the soil to keep warm, pick some fireweed in the summer, cover it in the tree tray, and keep the soil moisture. Saplings need to keep warm and get through cold and frozen safely.
(2) Humidity. The bayberry is warm and shade-tolerant, has sufficient rainfall, and has a humid climate. The tree grows robustly, and has a long life. The result is early, and the fruit is large, sweet, and juicy. In June, when there was little rain and the climate was dry, Yangmei caused thorns, little juice, and a dry mouth. The taste was not good and there was slag. The yield was low and the yield was low. The amount of rainfall is small. If drought occurs in July-September of that year, it will affect the yield of bayberry in the following year. Such as Baima Lake, there are mountain ponds, reservoirs, by the large body of water to adjust the temperature and humidity, can make no summer heat in the microclimate, winter is not cold, the Yangmei growth results are extremely favorable.
(3) Light. Although Yangmei is more humid and shade-tolerant, it also needs sufficient lighting conditions. It is best to be planted on the northern slope with large solar scattered light. The tree vigor is strong, and the fruit is large and of good quality.
(4) Soil. Yangmei is suitable for planting in the soft, well-drained sandy soil, yellow loam soil, the soil suitable for the growth of bayberry PH between 4.5-5.5. Yangmei trees can be planted in mountainous areas where lucerne, azaleas, pines, firs, bamboos and other acidic indicators are planted.
(5) Wind. The influence of wind on the growth of red bayberry is mainly pollination period. Most of the plums are dioecious and their flowers depend on the wind as a medium. The breeze is conducive to the distribution and pollination of male pollen, thereby improving the fruiting rate. Because Yangmei's roots are shallow, the crowns are tall, the branches and leaves are dense, and the branches are brittle, so fear of heavy rain and typhoon attacks.
(6) Terrain. Yangmei is suitable for planting hillside land and should not be planted on fertile plains. Myrica rubra has actinomycetes (rhizobium, leguminous crops), (mycorrhizal symbiosis) and can grow on relatively inhospitable slopes. The direction of the hillside has a close relationship between the growth of red bayberry and the quality of the fruit, and the shade of the sun, which has less sunlight, has a good growth of the tree. The fruit of the bayberry is soft and juicy, and the flavor is good. Yangshan is full of sunshine. Yangmei has a pointed, hard and sap. Therefore, it is better to select gentle slope cultivation in the north and northeast directions.
2. Social conditions. Due to its peculiar nature, the red bayberry fruits are bare, without outer skins, and are exposed to high temperature and humidity. The storage conditions are insufficient and cannot be kept for a long time. With convenient transportation, post-harvest sales are the primary conditions for the development of bayberry production. Secondly, there must be no pollution and environmental pollution in areas with large areas of development.
Third, the establishment of Yangmei Garden As the saying goes: "Fruit trees are three minutes and seven minutes. Planting is the foundation and management is the key." The establishment of Yangmei Garden must focus on the following aspects:
1. Selecting good seeded varieties: Choosing fine varieties is the key to the establishment of Yangmei Garden. Fruit shape, sweet and sour taste, good quality, strong stress resistance, and high yield and stability are the prerequisites for the high quality and high yield of bayberry.
2. Seedlings planting: (1) The first step is to dig a good hole. Digging holes are generally performed in autumn and winter. When digging, the topsoil should be set aside. Deep soil should be placed on the other side for weathering. Then the topsoil should be mixed with calcium magnesium phosphate fertilizer, ash fertilizer, river mud, etc. The surface should be covered with mud. When it is planted in the spring, it should be mixed. Plant seedlings, and then cover the roots of saplings with weathered soil. (2) Planting density: It is determined based on climatic conditions, soil fertility, species characteristics, and the quality of the crown. Fertile soil, deep soil and more fertilization can be less species, such as Dongkui Yangmei, strong tree vigor, strong wind resistance, lighter disease, the results of long life (up to 100 years), late maturity, general line strain The distance is 75 meters and 25 acres are planted. Both are deep red species, strong tree vigor, round-headed tree shape, not neatly, leaves falling needle-shaped, in our region strong adaptability, general line distance can be 75 meters, 65 meters, 20 acres planted -30 About the strain.
3, planting methods: planting Yangmei seedlings should be carried out in the spring. Every year from late February to early March, the temperature rises to a suitable period for planting. Planting should be carried out on cloudy or light rain days. There are two kinds of planting seedlings: one is grafted seedlings, the other is hybrid seedlings. Choose healthy, disease-free, thick rooted, well-established biennial seedlings. When grafted seedlings are planted, the interface of the grafted seedlings is placed in the windward direction, generally on the east side. Seedlings should be placed properly. The sturdy roots should be opened to the surrounding area, and the roots should not be curled. After planting, the upper layer should cover about 20 cm of the surface with soil, keep the water content, and make the seedling grafting interface just bare the top soil. Wild seedlings are best planted with 2 shoots. If one of the grafted shoots does not survive, the second shoot can be grafted again next year to ensure that there is no shortage of plants. Before planting, the seedlings should be treated as follows: First, cut away the autumn shoots (green parts, short-cut trunks of about 10-15 cm above the interface), and remove all the leaves (full defoliation) to reduce evaporation. The third is to cut a small amount of appropriate long lateral roots and damaged roots in order to increase the survival rate.
4. Post-planting management: After planting, there will be sunny days and high temperatures in the following days. When the soil is dry, attention should be paid to watering and ground cover. You can pick up some tender firewood and cover it around the canopy. After planting, it can only be watered and cannot be used for fertilizer application. Even a thin fertilizer can cause root rot and serious plant death. Supplementation: After germination in the spring, check the survival situation. The most important thing is to check before and after the beginning of autumn. After the high temperatures in summer, how many will die, and the second year will require replanting. After becoming alive, the buds must be timely sterilized, set the direction, and position the son. It is best to look at the mountain position, southeast and northwest, according to the shape of the mountain to determine the bud, remove the excess buds, in order to maintain the normal growth of buds . Our area is planted in fish scale pits, and there are very few full-flood bases. If it is full-fledged, then the forest is suitable for Yilin, fruit should be fruit, all cut down the miscellaneous pine planted after reclamation, the formation of bayberry orchard.
5. Pollination tree configuration: Myrica rubra is a dioecious fruit tree. If there are no male plants on the mountain, male plants need to be used as pollination trees. However, the number of male plants does not have to be large. Generally, 500-1000 strains of male trees (also known as red bayberry) are planted in the area. If they do not exist around the female plants, the male plants can be grafted onto the male branches. However, no results have been found in our region due to the lack of specialized pollination trees that affect the results of Yangmei. Therefore, most wild poplar trees exist, and there is no possibility that there are no male plants. And some species also have male flowers in the female plant, and can also produce pollen for pollination. For the newly-opened Yangmei Garden, there is no wild red bayberry planted with a small number of male plants.
6. Soil Management of Yangmei Garden: The production of Yangmei has been regarded as a intensive cultivation management by a large number of farmers since the beginning. The investment is low, the cost is low, and the yield is high. Therefore, after the 1980s, the development has been rapid and the area has been expanding. However, there have been many shortcomings in the management of extensive cultivation, especially the results of the size and size of Yangdu, both of which have late or inconclusive results, or poor quality. For Yangmei’s early high yield, high quality and stable production, the following criteria should be taken into account according to different characteristics, characteristics, and actual conditions: First, Yangmei trees should be planted; secondly, soil improvement and management measures such as fertilization, soil cultivation and plowing must be implemented; Pruning, disease prevention and other tree crown management measures should be carried out. Among them, the soil management of Yangmeishu is the basis of the entire management, and its purpose is to improve the soil granule structure, accelerate the deep soil maturity, increase the soil fertility level, and further control the soil erosion, which is beneficial to the growth and results of Yangmei.
The soil characteristics of Yangmei Garden in our area can be summarized as "one strong and two low." "One strong" is the strong acidity of the soil. In addition to gravel soil, the most suitable soil pH value of bayberry is 5.5-6.0, which belongs to the range of slightly acidic soil, but some soil PH values ​​are concentrated between 4.5-5.0, which belongs to the stronger or stronger acidic range, making the bayberry root system. Underdeveloped, the mycorrhizal nitrogen-fixing activity is reduced, and the bayberry grows poorly. The fruit size of the red bayberry fruit is small, the nucleus is large, the juice acidity is high, the sweetness is insufficient, the taste is not good, the yield is low, and the yield is low. This is a red and yellow loam, such as the gates, the front gates, the river heads, the Qunying and other villages have such a phenomenon, there are light red bayberry. "One low" means that the content of soil organic matter is low. The main reason is that Yangmei Garden’s soil is relatively infertile, its organic matter content is low, its potential nutrients are insufficient, and its nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium contents are all lower in the soil, especially its potassium content is lower. It is necessary to topically apply fertilizer and foliar borax to compensate for the symptoms of boron deficiency and restore the tree vigor. Therefore, boron deficiency will inhibit the growth of bayberry and affect yield. Therefore, we must improve soil, increase organic matter content, increase soil pH, promote root growth and absorption of nutrient elements for normal growth and results. Because the soil type and fertility factors are regional, agricultural production must be adapted to local conditions and it is suitable for strict territoriality.
Fourth, improve the soil, science, fertilization The benefits of improving the soil are: by changing the physical and chemical properties of the soil, so that water, fertilizer, gas, heat reasonably coordinated to facilitate the normal growth and results of Yangmei.
1. Sapling cultivation and fertilization. Fertility and fertilization should be based on the soil. For gravel hills, hillocks, infertile fertilisers, and large fertilizer loss, organic fertilizer should be applied more, and the hole should be expanded outwards every year (planting fish scale pit). With the continuous growth of the tree, the root system is continuously extended. To quickly form a small tree, the firewood must be removed, the firewood roots must be removed, and fertilization must be applied. Yangmei saplings are fertilized to promote growth and form the crown as soon as possible. Different ages of bayberry trees have different requirements for nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. To increase the crown of young trees, each plant should be planted with wood ash, a small amount of cake fertilizer and phosphate fertilizer, N: P ratio of 1: 1:1, if necessary, apply some urea and available nitrogen fertilizer. The fertilization is very different when it enters the full fruit period and the result period.
2, adult tree cultivation and fertilization. Generally 5-6 years of fruiting, 7-10 years or even 15 years, less results, yield is not high, poor quality, small particles. A 15 to 20-year-old bayberry tree has entered a period of high yield, vigorous tree vigor, 40 years after the tree vigor began to weaken, as long as fertilized properly, can extend life expectancy. However, the adult tree must have a hole in the outside of the tree plate dripping line, loosen the soil slightly in the middle, remove the weeds, and fertilize it in the outside of the original tree plate and in the newly opened middle, so that it is expanded year by year, the tree root is extended out, and outward. Absorb moisture and nutrients so that you have a strong vitality. Yangmei should pay attention to the use of nitrogen and potassium fertilizers and appropriately supplement phosphate fertilizers. Small trees can be suitably applied to phosphate fertilizers. As a result, the demand for phosphate fertilizers by trees is rather low, which is an important physiological feature. In the three years, only half a catty of phosphate fertilizers can be applied. Excessive use of phosphorus can cause too many results a year, and even all fruits become deformed, stiff, cracking small fruit, taste sour, pale red, and loss of commodity value. Therefore, the largest amount of nitrogen and potassium fertilizers are needed. The adult tree is best planted after the fruit is harvested at the end of June and early July (ie, it is cultivated immediately after the fall of red bayberry). Yangmei spring and summer shoots (until mid-to-late May) is the main result of the main branch of bayberry, and its pumping amount accounts for more than 70% of the annual total length of the shoot, requiring more nutrient supply. The bayberry grows and blossoms in the spring and summer, and the result consumes a lot of tree nutrients. July-August is the flower bud differentiation and development period of bayberry. At this time, the high temperature and drought weather is very unfavorable for flower bud differentiation and development. If timely fertilization, it plays an important role in supplementing tree nutrient consumption, resisting drought, and satisfying the nutrient required for flower buds. effect. Therefore, after harvest, we must pay close attention to nurture, give enough fertilizer, an adult tree (can be born 1-200 pounds of bayberry) need to apply coke 40-50 kg, plant ash 20-40 kg, plus cake fertilizer 1-2 In kilograms, the cake fertilizer is evenly mixed with the ash fertilizer after the decomposed, combined with the opening and fertilizing at the same time. After the red bayberry is harvested, the soil compaction caused by the rain under the canopy, the foot pedaling, etc., and fertilizing by opening a hole can enhance the water storage and fertilizer retention capacity of the soil, and improve the tree's resistance to drought from July to August, which is very favorable to Flower buds differentiated to form a good fruiting branch of the bayberry tree and win the harvest of bayberry next year. If you do not apply enough fertilizer after harvesting, it will not only affect the output of the next year, but will also result in large and small annual results and tree life. Fertilization is the material basis for promoting the high yield of Yangmei. The decline in tree vigor is not a result because fertilizer is not applied. Malnutrition, canopy length is not a result, because of too much nitrogen, nutrient elements are not coordinated, so the scientific fertilization, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium with the appropriate application. After many years of practice, post-harvest fertilization is extremely important. The rapid restoration of tree vigor, thick leaves, and dark green leaves with long intervals between the leaves can resist cold winters, rain and snow, and can also reduce the size and year-end results. If there is a farmer, Yangmei has a large number of trees and labor. It can not be used to open a hole and fertilize all at once, or it may encounter long-term sunny days after picking bayberry. Then, after the high temperature, the autumn rain will take off as soon as it falls. At the same time, we must promote biological coverage. In the summer, the trees are covered with firewood to prevent sun exposure and maintain the humidity. In winter, it is best to treat the soil (soil) to keep it cold, to protect the roots, to protect the roots, and to promote permeability. This is the basis for seizing the annual high yield. jobs.
3. Fertilization period According to the growth dynamics and years of practice of the branches of Myrica rubra and its annual cycle, there are three peak periods of shoot growth. From the middle of April to the end of May, it is the peak period of spring shoot growth, and its growth accounts for about 70% of the annual growth (is the result of the branch). The end of June to early July (15th) is the peak period of summer shoot growth; due to the dry weather at the end of July and August, the growth of roots and shoots is inhibited, so the summer high temperature does not apply fertilizer; the end of September is the peak of autumn shoot growth, In August and September, the peak load of the two peak periods was less than 20% of the total annual total.
The first peak of root growth in the underground part is from early May to early June. This is also the peak period of spring shoot growth. The second peak period is from early July to early August. This period is also the peak period of summer shoot growth; 9 From late October to late October, when the drought season has passed, the third peak of root growth occurs, and the peak of autumn shoot growth also appears on the ground. However, the fluctuation of root growth is not as pronounced as that of shoots (shoots are up, shoots appear on shoots, and roots do not see underground activity). Therefore, in addition to the decrease in the amount of growth in the mid-July-August hot and dry seasons, From December to mid-February in the following year, the winter and the twelfth lunar months have a slight pause in growth, and they continue to grow at other times. The growth period of the root system is more than 280 days in a year, and the growth of shoots in the shoot is only 200 days or more.
4. Fertilizer types and scientific fertilization Soil fertility can be divided into natural fertility and artificial fertility. In addition to the aforementioned application of post-harvest fertilizers, according to the root growth dynamics, due to the stressful post-harvest manure and drought, we should pay close attention to the basal fertilizer applied to the soil in September-October. After the rotten fertilizer, it can be used as the root growth nutrient in October. , to make the root system strong and developed. By the second year of spring shoot growth, the root can absorb enough water inorganic salt for flowering, spring shoot growth and young fruit expansion.
Fertilizer type: The main ones are grass ash, coke ash, fire ash, straw ash, garbage ash, etc. They are the main source of potash fertilizer in rural areas. The potassium in the plant ash is potassium carbonate, and the components are quite complex. The ash contained in the plant is found in the plant ash. The contents of potassium, phosphorus and calcium are more, but the ash is a basic salt and is easily soluble in water. Potash fertilizer can be used as basal fertilizer or topdressing. As ash is an alkaline fertilizer, it should not be mixed with ammonium sulfate such as ammonium sulfate and ammonium nitrate, nor should it be mixed with human and animal waste to prevent loss of nitrogen.
According to the fat management experience of the exploration, if 2001 is a big year, if the Yangmei tree has sufficient fertility, the spring and summer shoots are flourishing, the bayberry is of medium quality, and the quality is good. This year, no basal fertilizer will be applied, as long as it is loose under the tree plate. Clear the weeds and catch some tree leaves on the plate. However, the management of the fertility of the trees must be kept tight. Why do we fertilize this year? After fertilizing in the spring, the spring will be prosperous, so that the younger ones will be less fruitful. After the next year, it will be a big year. In the big year, there will be more Yangmei, and the quality is not good, and the output will be reduced. Reduced, so to the young (next year) after the fall of bayberry, pay close attention to the cultivation of management, rational fertilization, so that the results can be appropriately reduced the size of the year. In short, Yangmei's fertilization is the most important part of each year's management. It will directly affect the growth of Yangmei's spring shoots, summer shoots (the main result of the mother tree), flower bud differentiation, and fruit quality. Therefore, scientific fertilization should be carried out according to the soil, age, and growth conditions of the local bayberry.
Six, Yang Meishu pruning
1. Growth and result characteristics of bayberry related to plastic trimming (1) Shoot growth characteristics: The top buds of bayberry branches are leaf buds, terminal buds and several buds near the top bud, and 4-5 new shoots with slanting birth are taken out. The buds in the lower part are often in a latent state (known as cryptophytes) and generally do not smoke. In this way, the phenomenon of layered distribution of hidden buds appears, the apical dominance is obvious, and it is easy to cause strong and weak canopies. When pruning, the apical dominance is weakened, and the branches in the middle and lower canopies are pumped.
Branches of Myrica rubra can be divided into free-standing branches, development branches, fruiting branches and male flowering branches depending on their functions. Growing upright, about 30 centimeters or more in length, the organization is not full, often green, full of buds and shoots are called long branches. The length is less than 30 cm, and it is medium and long in the internodes. The buds are full and full, and often called the development branch. Male flowers are called male flowers and female flowers are called fruit branches.
It often takes 3 shots in spring, summer and autumn. Spring shoots account for about 70% of the annual pullout volume, which is the main result of the second year. Axillary buds in spring and summer shoots differentiate into flower buds and grow into fruiting branches. Autumn shoots occur late, generally can not be a good result of the branch, so, in the management of the shoots to promote spring shoots, control multiple shoots of autumn, especially in late autumn shoots to timely picking.
(2) Results Habits: Branches of red bayberry fruit can be divided according to their strengths and weaknesses: leggy branches, most of them fall after flowering, fruit drop, and fruit set rate is low. Long fruit branches, slender branches are not full, fruiting rate is not high. The middle fruit branch, branch length 10-20 centimeters, the top bud is the leaf bud, the rest is the flower bud, the fruiting rate is high, is the best result branch. Short fruit branches, branch length less than 10 cm, there are many flower buds on the branches, the result is better. The bayberry yield mainly depends on the middle and short fruit branches.
(3) The relationship between the growth of the above ground and underground. The shoot growth period of Myrica rubra was from late March to late October, and from late March to late May was the peak period of spring shoot growth. The growth accounted for about 70% of the whole year. The end of June and mid July was the peak of summer shoot growth. In late September, the peak of autumn shoot growth. In addition to the stop of growth during the winter and lunar months in January, the underground root system grows throughout the year. The first peak of growth occurs in mid-April, and the second peak of growth occurs from late June to mid-July. From September to November, The third peak of growth. It can be seen that the peaks of shoot and root growth occur in the same period, while the flowering period (April to June) of bayberry is at the peak of spring shoot and spring root growth, which intensifies the competition of nutrients in the tree and causes A large number of falling flowers and falling fruit. Especially young trees and overgrown trees have very low fruiting rates. Serious flowers and young fruits all fall, causing low yields or even no harvest. The growth of the young tree is one of the reasons for its late growth.
2. The function and principle of pruning (1) Pruning: In the cultivation and management of fruit trees, only the bayberry is traditionally considered to be allowed to grow naturally after planting, and no pruning is required. This results in a particularly vigorous growth of bayberry and a large amount of nutrients. The growth results in late saplings, dense shoots, withered wilts, and the resulting shifting of the results.
Pruning is an important part in the cultivation of Yangmei benefits. Through this project, the canopy is crowned, and the oblate flat or round canopy that grows into a natural shape is guided and erected in the air to make the entire canopy uneven, so that light can be optimized, ventilation can be improved, and the tree vigor can be promoted. The occurrence of shoots also markedly improved fruit set, rational fruiting, increased fruit shape, and improved quality. Pruning also regulates the balance between growth and results, reducing the size of the size year, and trimming can update the entire result bunch or entire canopy, extending the life of the result.
On the basis of attaching importance to the management of fertilizers, they are good at using pruning techniques rationally, and they will surely obtain ideal results.
(2) The rational pruning principle of Yangmeishu is: the combination of evacuation and short-cut pruning, and the main evacuation (especially some trees with low yielding trees and vigorous tree vigor). The evacuation pruning is cut off from the base of the branches of the Chinese bayberry, and the canopy is expanded to improve the light conditions and promote the results of internal hemorrhoids. The short pruning is a period of cutting off the branches until the number of flowering results is controlled, and the branches are promoted to increase the growth potential of the local branches. It is advisable to adopt a trunked shape for the saplings, and keep the three main branches of the upper and lower branches. Especially for the 6-15 years old Yang Meishu put into production, should be based on evacuation pruning, and in the March-April of the year of attention to the external results of the dense pruning branches, the purpose is to expand the crown, improve lighting, reasonable fruiting. For bayberry trees with poor growth potential, short cuts should be taken after evacuation and pruning to promote new branches, restore tree vigor, and gradually increase production. For cross-branches, diseased shoots, and wilted branches, thinning methods should be used. However, pruning should also be appropriate. The amount of pruning per tree should not exceed 30% of the whole year in order to avoid weakening the tree vigor and affecting yield. Pay attention to the denseness and pruning of peripheral results. After density, it can achieve reasonable fruiting in the year, increase fruit shape, improve quality, and can shoot new shoots and cultivate fruiting branches for the next year. For large branches with thick crowns in the canopy, evacuation was carried out in a modest way, with the exception of "inner branches, open skylights," so that the crowns were well ventilated and lighted up to achieve a three-dimensional result.
3, bayberry pruning season in spring and autumn is the best time for pruning. Spring in late March - early May, autumn is in late August - mid-September, but mainly spring pruning.
Yangmei is an evergreen fruit tree, although it does not have the strict growth period and dormancy period as deciduous fruit trees (such as persimmon, peach, chestnut, etc.), but it also has relative growth period and dormancy period. The growth period of bayberry is above the ground, from the end of March to the end of March, the sprouts of red bayberry to the spring shoots, summer shoots and autumn shoots germinate until they stop growing. During this period, they include flowering, fruiting, fruit hypertrophy and flower bud differentiation and development. Inner freedom, if allowed to grow freely, will cause growth confusion in the shoots, concealment within the canopy, and consumption of large amounts of assimilation material. From late October to late March of the following year, when the autumn shoot growth is completely stopped, it is carried out until the second year (roughly July-September), that is, after the bayberry has been picked, avoiding the high temperature period. The spring shoot is called dormancy before it germinates.
(1) Pruning during growth period. This period of pruning is an important part of the management work in summer, and the branch adjustment work done on the spring, summer, and autumn shoots that occurred during the year. Mainly: 1 The evacuation or short-cut inward or upright leggy branches and dense branches; 2 Open or extend the angle of branches, so that the existing flower bud branches increase the rate of fruit set, so that the branches that can not form flower buds accumulate nutrients to form flower buds; 3 Inverting the skin, aiming at over-prosperous central leaders and growing over-prosperous, and covering the major branches and supporting branches on the backbone branches, the appearance of these branches will be significantly reduced by peeling the skin, and the results will become branches; 4 In addition to sprouting, topping Eradication of sprouts from the useless parts of the tree, removal of the top shoots, promotion of shoots and branching, resulting in branches.
(2) Dormant trim. The growth of autumn shoots is completely stopped until the spring shoots are germinated, and trimming is performed from about late October to the end of March of the following year. However, most of them are conducted from late February to mid-March. Especially saplings and tree vigors are rather weak trees, and spring pruning should be used. The bayberry trees have strong cold resistance. If no severe ice damage occurs, pruning during dormancy can be carried out in the winter. It plays an important role in alleviating tree vigor, reducing falling flowers, and increasing production. However, during the dormant period pruning, the degree of suppression of the tree vigor is less than that of the pruning during the growing period. Therefore, the production of the prunus mume tree should be dominated by the growth stage pruning.
4, pruning method. The purpose of juvenile tree pruning in Yangmei is to ease tree vigor, promote flower bud formation, increase fruit set and yield. The purpose of adult tree pruning is to balance growth and results, reduce the magnitude of annual and large results, and increase fruit yield and quality.
(1) Lateral branch pruning: When the young tree of Yangmei initially forms a canopy, the angle of the side branch (80-90 degrees) is increased to promote the formation of flower buds. The purpose is to make the side branches robust but not overly long. Formation and results.
(2) Result of pruning: The main purpose is to regulate the balance of results and growth. When pruning, the resulting branch on one side branch can be left, and the branch on the other side branch can be short-cut, resulting in the formation of a strong preparatory branch for next year's results. A result of a short cut of 1/5 of the total number of trees can result in sufficient number of branches in the next year, which can effectively adjust the size of the annual results.
(3) Executable branch pruning: The leggy branches occurring in the dense parts of the main trunk or main branch are all deleted. The absurd branches of the main branches or sub-candidates in the tree crown may be used as short cuts to promote the occurrence of branchlets as main branches or vices. The main branch uses. The leggy shoots that occur in the bald area of ​​the stem, main branch or sub-branch of the central stem are retained, allowing them to evolve into lateral branches and increase the result area. However, it is necessary to control the growth of the market and make appropriate short cuts to promote the formation of a result.
(4) Pendency branch pruning: In the initial stage of drooping branches, they can be supported by trees or tied up with ropes and lines to maintain the results. When they are drooping excessively in the later period, they should be gradually cut off to make the distance between the lower part of the canopy and the ground (make people work under the canopy). ) About 70 cm to 1 meter is good.
(5) Pruning of dense branches, cross branches, overlapping branches, erect branches, diseased branches and dead branches: When the above branches occur, they should be cut off from the base in time.
5, Yangmei pruning content and its role (1) thinning: also known as sparse shearing, sparse, that is cut off from the base of the shoot tip, play a role in saving nutrients, expanding the crown, improving lighting conditions, and promoting the results of the body lice. It is mainly used to remove excessive main branches from trunk-type pruning, weaken the apical dominance, weaken the apical dominance, weaken the axillary branches that are disturbing the tree, and weaken the apical branches.
(2) Short cut: also known as short cut, that is, cut a section of shoots, there are adjustment results of the number of branches, promote hair sticks, enhance the growth of local shoots role. It is mainly used for renewal and rejuvenation of prolonged branches, short branches of short branches, branches promotion and aging trees in sapling shaping.
(3) In addition to sprouting: remove the useless buds on the tree in time, and remove excessively strong backed branches in the leggy branches, main branches, deputy main branches and large auxiliary branches in time to avoid clutter inside the trees.
(4) Topping: Before removing shoots without stopping growth, remove the top part, reduce nutrients in the tree, and increase the thickness of shoots (especially important for autumn shoots).
(5) Pulling the branches: Pulling the branches horizontally with ropes (depending on the tree) will mainly open the crown of Yangmei, ventilate and transmit light, ease the tree vigor, promote the formation of flower buds, and increase the fruit setting rate.
(6) Broken roots: Suitable for trees with little or no result, but also for trees that are transplanted and planted. The main role is to reduce the absorption of root water and inorganic salts, inhibit shoot growth above ground, and promote results. The transplanted planting tree cuts off the root system from August to September of that year, allowing it to induce new roots in the tree tray. When the plantation is planted next year, it will be able to survive quickly, restore its vigor, and be put into production early.
Seven major diseases and insect pests and control of bayberry (1) Yangmei cancer. Also known as bayberry sores. It occurs mainly on the trunks of 2-3 years of life. It also occurs on perennial trunks, main branches, and new shoots of the year. One of the reasons is mechanical damage (bug bites, hard-soled shoes step on the trunk, bumps). The germs invade the plant body from the wound. Symptoms start to appear within a month. From the initial milky little protrusions, the surface is smooth and gradually increases. The formation of cancer, brown to dark brown, hard texture, cancerous tumor was nearly spherical, resulting in rough bark cracks on the tree, uneven, there are more cancer. Second, the bacteria lived in the trees and the diseased tumors on the ground during the winter, and in the spring of April and April in the spring of the following year, they overflowed and flowed through the rain and water. In addition, they passed the air and leaf moths to feed and spread the germs. After the middle of June, it was warmer and rainier. The old trees had more wounds, and the trees became weaker and more susceptible to disease. Control methods: 1 In the spring with a knife to cut the cancer, coated with 50-100 times the liquid "402" antibacterial agent; 2 new shoots cut before cutting the disease sprigs; 3 burned diseased branches; 4 harvest season, should barefoot or wear soft shoes The tree is picked to minimize the human-induced mechanical damage to the tree. 5 Scions, grafting, and propagation of seedlings on diseased trees are prohibited; and cultivation and management are strengthened.
(2) Bayberry dry blight. Most of the fungal diseases are caused by debilitating old trees. After the onset of disease, the branches are dead and the trunk is mainly damaged. Prevention methods: 1 Strengthen cultivation and management, increase organic and potassium fertilizers, and increase tree disease resistance; 2 actively control pests and protect trees; 3 scrape lesions early and apply 50 times “402” antibacterial agents to wounds; 4 Saw dead branches, burn straw, saw and scrape off and apply “402” to disinfect and protect.
(3) Branch rot of red bayberry. Is a fungal disease, generally the incidence of old trees more, after the onset caused by branch rotting dead. Control methods: 1 increase organic fertilizer and potash fertilizer, enhance tree vigor, and strengthen the resistance to pathogen infection; 2 cut diseased branches, burned in time, reduce pathogens. 3 scrape the lesions, wounds, coated with 402 antibacterial agent 50-100 times liquid disinfection protection.
(4) Bayberry brown spot. It is a fungal disease that damages the leaves once a year, which in turn causes flower buds and twigs to die, severely affecting tree vigor and yield. Control methods: Poplar was harvested one month before and after harvest and sprayed with thiophanate-methyl powder 700 times or carbendazim 1000 times.
(5) Yangmei Chi clothing. In the initial period, a thin white screen appeared on the back surface of the bark, and white pustules were formed. In the spring of the second year, orange-red symptomatic vesicles were seen on the edge of the disease and on the glossy surface. Soon, a layer of pink mold was covered.龟裂成小块,树皮脱落,露出木质部,其上部的叶片发黄枯萎。防治方法:①先将树干、大小枝上的红色粉末刷下,喷播1000—2000倍液的灭枯灵;或65%代森锌可湿性粉剂600倍液喷洒树枝干,一个月后再喷1—2次,效果较好。 ②增施有机肥和钾肥。

Road Milk Tanker (Milk Tank trailer)5-60tons:

All the heads are one time moulding . And all the inner Rcorners are larger than 30mm.To ensure there is no right-angle inside the tank. the insulation layer PUF. Temperature raise less than 2°C within 24 hrs:

1.About the material: 

AISI/SUS 304-2B(S.S304)food grade stainless steel plate sheet ,inside shell 2.5-3mm / outer shell  2mm, one time molding heads.

2 .Special welding process :

TIG welding process, to obtain the good outlook and reduce the crack and pit. All surface can be polished shinning like mirror.

3.One time molding heads  and injecting PUF or use fiber glass.

And each compartment use double heads back-to-back which make sure every compartment heads smooth and no right-angle left,easy to wash.

Using polyurethane foam(PUF) /glass fiber to get better insulation ability, which has the perfect warmth keeping ability and ensure temperature raise not too fast

4.Milk out-let pipe and air vent

Each milk compartment has one set separate out-let pipe and air vent.out-let pipes which usesΦ50×2.0 polished stainless steel (sanitary parts), all pipes inside the insulation layer to make sure no frozen milk occurs in winter and no milk rotten in summer.

5.The CIP cleaning system

Equipment with automatic self-rotation ball(spray cleaning ball) inside the tank, and CIP joint in rear carbin.

6. Rear cabinet  for tools/pipe /pump/and milk sampling.

The lockable rear cabinet design make the tanker have a tidy general look.and convenient for use/you add other device( according yourdesign).

7.The design of the manhole cover

All the covers are Anti-Spillage design, to avoid the over flow and leakage of the milk from top cover.

8.The Top anti-skid platform.

Anti-skid platform on the top of tank body made of Aluminium alloy plate with skid-resistant surface. For safyty.the anti-skidplatform with Φ25mm handrails(S.S) of 250mm height.

9.The breath airway(air vent):

Air vent diameter no less than Φ120mm.

10 .The tank body design:

The scientific long axis and short axis design for tank body meets the hydrokinetics requirements and ensures the safety of vehicles.and we can design the tank according your trailer(truck) size.

11 .The chassis of the vehicle

The vehicle chassis standard FAW chassis.or we provide semi-trailer chassis according your demand.

road milk tanker

Road Milk Tanker

Milk Tanker,Road Milk Tanker,Milk Tanker Trailer,Transport Milk Tank Truck

Henan Leo Husbandry Equipment Science and Technology ,

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