Thick-skin melon greenhouse erect cultivation technology

1. Variety selection. In the low temperature period, varieties with strong results at low temperature are selected, such as champion, honey world, Jinxiangyu, early spring, late autumn and other varieties. During the high temperature period, the varieties with stable high temperature quality, such as gold girl and honey orange, are selected.

2. Sowing seedlings. According to the characteristics of heat and cold resistance of muskmelon, Wuping County, Fujian Province was sowed from early February to early September. Seedlings can be nursed with nutrient pods or tray media. The amount of seedlings used is 60-70g/667 square meters. Before sowing, disinfect it with warm water of 55°C for 15 minutes, then soak in fresh water for 6-8 hours, and then pick up and germinate in a dark place at 25-30°C. After most seeds are exposed, shoots can be sowed. Place 1 grain per hole, cover with fine soil, and apply 3,000 to 4,000 times of the green hengheng No. 1 solution. After emergence, lower the temperature and humidity, strengthen pest control, and cultivate strong seedlings.

3. Site preparation for planting. Thick skin melon before avoiding melons, peanuts and other crops, soil preparation before the use of 75 ~ 100kg/667 square meters lime disinfection, decomposed farmyard fertilizer 3000 ~ 4000kg/667 square meters, compound fertilizer 80kg/667 square meters, superphosphate 30kg /667 square meters, magnesium sulfate 10kg/667 square meters, biological potassium 2 ~ 3kg/667 square meters, or apply Kawada bio-efficient bio-organic fertilizer 50 ~ 200kg/667 square meters, with the application of 20 ~ 30kg/667 square meters of compound fertilizer After the completion of the basic fertilizer, the sorghum was used as a sorghum, the sorghum was 30 cm high, and the sorghum was 1.2 to 1.3 m wide.

Thick-skinned muskmelon grows to 3 leaves 1 heart or 4 leaves 1 heart, seedling 28 to 30 days, when the soil depth within the shed at 10cm soil temperature stable above 1 ~ 5 °C, the minimum temperature above 1.0 °C when planting high temperature period 1 leaf 1 heart or 2 leaf 1 heart, seedling 12 ~ 15d can be planted, each seedling 2 lines, spacing 0.45 ~ 0.5m, colonization number of 600 ~ 1800/667 square meters.

4. Field management. (1) Shelter temperature management. The daytime temperature should be maintained at 18-35°C before easing seedlings and not less than 20°C at night. The daytime temperature should be maintained at 25-28°C before nighttime flowering and fruit setting, and 16-18°C at night. It is best to maintain a temperature difference between day and night above 13°C. . When the temperature is higher than 35°C or the humidity is more than 60%, it is not conducive to the growth of muskmelon. The ventilation of the greenhouse film should be opened. (2) fertilizer and water management. Fertilizer 70% for basal, 30% for top dressing. Top dressing is mainly applied at the time of drawing vines and at the beginning of fruit enlargement. When pumping vines, apply human urine 500kg/667 square meters, urea 10kg/667 square meters, ternary compound fertilizer 5kg/667 square meters; when fruits such as eggs, apply ternary compound fertilizer 20kg/667 square meters, later Supplemented with top dressing 2 to 3 times. Moisture management In addition to the need to fill enough water during the swell period, attention should be paid to drainage in all other periods. In particular, irrigation should be controlled after entering the mature period to increase sugar content and resistance to storage. (3) Introducing vine pruning; When the guava has 7 to 8 true leaves, use fine bamboo cymbals or pull on the wire to pull vines with plastic ropes. Melon vines grow fast. Every 3~4d use “8” shape in the afternoon. The buckle method buckles the main vine "S" shape bracket on the stand. Upright cultivation generally uses single vine pruning. (4) pollination, fruit retention, hanging melon. When the female flowers in the reserved result node are open, artificial assistant pollination is performed from 8:00 am to 10:00 am. When the young fruit eggs are large, the selected fruit type is longer and correct, 1 strain leaves 1 fruit, and when the main vine grows to 25-30 chips, it can be picked up. In order to prevent the fruit from falling from the main vine when mature, the fruit should also be hung with a net or rope. (5) Integrated pest management. Diseases and insect pests mainly include blight, wilt disease, epidemics, downy mildew, powdery mildew, and viral diseases. Manna blight was controlled by using mancozeb and thiophanate halves, with a ratio of 1:10 on the base of the water. Fusarium wilt use Green Hunter 1 3000-4000 times to irrigate the root 2 or 3 times a night. Downy mildew, epidemic use Anke, metalaxyl Mn and other agents to control; powdery mildew with rust show, the world's higher pharmaceutical control; virus disease with the virus Bike plus Yunda 120 to prevent and control, and pay attention to the control of melon, locust , Filaments, etc., can choose to use vegetable Dan, Da Gong Chen, avermectin, Rui Jin special agents for prevention and treatment.

5. Harvest. Should pay attention to timely harvest, early maturing varieties 30 ~ 35d after flowering, late maturing varieties 40 ~ 45d after flowering harvest. When harvesting, it should be noted that when the fruit temperature is low in the early morning, it is appropriate to cut the fruit stem into a T-shape.

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