Summer bean curd residue should be careful

The bean curd residue is rich in nutrients, containing 20% ​​of crude protein and 30% of carbohydrates. It is a good feed for pigs, but in hot summer, improper feeding methods are more likely to cause adverse reactions. Many farmers in rural areas have long used large amounts of raw soybean curd residue to feed pigs, and those who light have caused sows to suffer from malnutrition, decreased appetite, and diarrhea. Severe ones have resulted in infertility, miscarriage, or stillbirth of sows, and the survival rate of piglets has decreased. Therefore, in the summer, the use of bean curd residue to feed pigs should pay particular attention to the following issues.

Must ensure that the quality of bean curd residue in the hot summer, because of the moisture content of bean curd, it is easy to spoilage. Pigs eat bad bean curd residue, can cause enteritis, diarrhea, diarrhea and other diseases, severe cases can cause death. Therefore, spoilage of bean curd refuse can not be fed to pigs. In the hot summer season, in order to prevent the bean curd from spoiling, the fresh bean curd residue can be dried for use. If mild sourness occurs, 40 to 50 grams of baking soda powder per kilogram of bean curd residue can be added before the pig is fed. Stir well, neutralize and increase appetite. In addition, the rubbish residue can not be placed in the refrigerator. The frozen rubbish residue is likely to cause disorder of the digestive function of the pig. For example, the frozen rubbish residue should be fully melted and then fed under the condition of ensuring the quality.

The main reason for must be cooked and then fed is that soybeans contain antitrypsin, substances that produce goitre, saponins, and hemagglutinin and other toxic substances. In the process of tofu processing, there is no process of cooking the bean curd residue. The harmful substances in the bean curd residue will be lost as long as they are cooked. Raw soybean curd residue contains anti-trypsin, which can hinder the digestion and absorption of legume protein by pig trypsin and affect the growth and development of pigs. Therefore, before feeding, it should be heated for 10 to 15 minutes to decompose the antitrypsin, in order to increase the protein absorption and utilization.

The content of crude protein in the amount of soybean curd must be mastered. The content of crude protein is slightly lower than that of soybean cake and soybean meal, and the quality is also relatively poor. At the same time, due to the lack of vitamins and minerals in the soybean curd residue, long-term feeding of soybean curd residue alone is not sufficient, and it may easily cause pig appetite. Decrease, indigestion, lead to infertility or miscarriage of sows, reduce the survival rate of piglets. Therefore, it should be fed with other feeds to meet the needs of pig growth. In general, the amount of fresh bean curd residue in the diet should be controlled at 20% to 25% of the total amount of feed, and dried bean curd residue is below 10%. At the same time, corn and other energy feed should be controlled in the range of 50% to 58%, bran and the like should account for 10% to 15%, bean cake or soybean meal content should also be maintained at 5% to 10%. In addition, it is necessary to combine actual supply of sufficient mineral elements and green feed to meet the growth and development needs of pigs and promote the healthy growth of pigs.

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