Yifeng chicory

Chicory originates from Europe, and is widely used as feed, vegetable and sugar raw material in foreign countries. After introduction in the 1980s, it produced a large-leafed variety Yifeng chicory, which has become the most promising feed and cash crop because of its excellent quality. Variety.
First, the main features (a) adaptability strong Chicory hi warm and humid climate, but also resistant to cold and heat. It thrives in the hot south, and remains green in the cold northern temperatures at minus 8C. In the wasteland, savannah, Daejeon, and sloping land can grow, all parts of the country are suitable for planting.
(b) The long period of use is due to spring return early spring and winter dormancy late, and its use period as feed is longer than that of ordinary green feed. Take Central Plains as an example, if it is planted before the winter at the end of August, it can be cut once and thereafter every year. It can be cut from April to November, and its use period lasts up to 8 months. It can solve the contradiction between the spring and autumn of the breeding industry and the lack of feed for Futianqing, and it can be used continuously for 15 years.
(C) Disease-resistance No pests and nourishment Chicory is particularly resistant to disease. It is prone to rot in low-lying areas. However, as long as it eliminates stagnant water on time, it is easy to prevent. Other diseases have not yet been found. In particular, its pest resistance performance is unique, and Yifeng chicory has not yet found any infectious disease.
(d) Yifeng chicory is widely used in aquaculture because of its excellent palatability, and all livestock, poultry and grass carp are fond of it; used for blue vegetables, its leaves are tender, can be fried and cold and it is a highly nutritious vegetable. It is also a high-quality base material for the production of edible fungi: it can extract rich inulin and spices from rhizomes; it blooms in May, has a flowering period of up to four months, and the flowers are purple-blue, and the scenery is beautiful. It is a good source of honey and greening and improvement. Ecological environment of fine plants.
(5) Forage Grass Pride The variety of pastures introduced from abroad in China, coupled with domestic fine varieties, forms a potential for grassland bloom. However, if comprehensive measures are taken in terms of yield, nutrition, growth period, pests and diseases, Yifeng chicory is not affected. One of the best. For example, the protein content is not comparable to Rumex, but the latter is vulnerable to aphids, and chicory without pests is precisely its greatest advantage;

Second, the cultivation technology due to the small seeds, deep plowing after the soil surface should be finely leveled, 3000 kg per acre fertilizer. Cultivation can be planted at a minimum temperature of 5C or more, which is not subject to seasonal restrictions. It is better to use from April to October. There are four methods of seedling propagation, seedling raising, sowing and root cutting (see section on Rumex for seeding and seeding); wasteland can be sown after herbicide spraying. Seeding method 120 grams per mu, seeding and sowing 400 grams per acre; can also be cut into small pieces of 2cm long root (coarse can be vertically cut into several pieces) for germination transplanting, row spacing 30x10cm. After cutting, water and chase fast-acting fertilizer should be applied.

Third, the nutritional value and utilization of Yifeng Chicory dry matter crude protein 15-32%, rosette period crude protein content of 22.9% (dry matter), crude fat 5%, crude fiber 13%, crude dust 16%, no nitrogen Leaching substances 30%, calcium 1.5%, phosphorus 0.24% various amino acids and trace elements are also abundant. When the plants are 40cm high, they can be castrated. They are recommended to be 2-3cm in length, produce 2-30000 jin of fresh grass per mu, can be fed fresh, silaged or made into dry powder, and feed cattle, sheep, pigs, chickens, rabbits, geese and other animals 35 Kilograms can convert one kilogram of meat.

Cultivation Techniques (1) Site Preparation Fertilizing Chicory does not require strict soil quality, and prefers neutral-acid soils. Because the seeds are small, they should be ploughed and leveled after deep plowing, and 3,000 kilograms of manure per acre.
(2) Sowing method Cultivation is not subject to seasonal restrictions. The minimum temperature can be sown above 5°C. There are three methods for sowing seedlings, raising seedlings, and cutting roots.
1 broadcast. 200 grams of seeds used per mu, before sowing, the seeds are mixed well with fine sand, the sowing depth is 1-2cm, immediately after sowing, the pressure is maintained (to ensure that the soil is moist, to prevent the overburden from being too thick, affecting emergence).
2 nursery. 100 grams of seed per acre, the first seedbed irrigation, until the water infiltration after all will be mixed with fine sand mixed seeds on the seedbed, and then sprinkled on the top 1-2cm thick wood ash. The seedbed is often kept moist. When the seedlings grow about 6 leaves, they can choose to transplant in the afternoon. When transplanting, the leaves will be cut off by four-fifths and watered immediately after planting.
3 cut roots. The roots of the fleshy roots were cut into small pieces of 2 cm in length. The thick roots were cut into several pieces and then transplanted by pregermination with a spacing of 30l5 cm.
(3) Field management Generally, seedlings can be produced within 5 days after sowing, but special attention should be paid to the application of available nitrogen fertilizer after emergence. Apply 13 kg of urea per acre to promote fast-growing seedlings. Weed competition does not occur with chicory. No weeding is required. . If there is accumulated water in the ground, it should be promptly removed because Chicory is afraid of earthworms; the key measure to maintain continuous high yield for more than 10 years is to water and fertilize in time after each castration.

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