Piglet intestinal constipation prevention method

Pig intestine constipation is a kind of abdominal pain that causes the intestine to block completely due to intestinal relaxation and stagnation of the stool in the intestine. The disease occurs in all kinds of pigs, but there are more piglets and the constipation site is usually in the colon.

First, the cause

First, feed dry, hard-to-digest feed and feeds containing excessive amounts of crude fiber, such as alfalfa, tough straw or dried sweet potato vines, and soy bean straw. Or feed too much raw material and insufficient green fodder.

Second, the feed is not clean, and a lot of silt or other foreign materials are mixed in the feed. Suddenly changing feed, drinking water and lack of exercise.

Third, pure sows were fed with piglets that had been weaned off, with sows that had intestinal relaxation after the end of pregnancy or soon after delivery.

Fourth, in certain infectious diseases or other heat diseases, chronic gastro-intestinal diseases, it is often secondary to the disease.

Second, the diagnostic points

Mainly based on clinical symptoms confirmed.

Third, clinical symptoms

The clinical symptoms were that the pigs did not like to eat and their desire to drink increased, their abdominal circumference gradually increased, their breathing increased, their restlessness, and abdominal pain were reviewed. At the beginning of the disease, only a small amount of dung ball with dry mucus adhered was discharged; the fecal position was often followed by continuous exertion, but no excretion of feces was performed except for the discharge of a small amount of mucus. A little longer, rectal mucosal edema, anal prominent. Abdominal auscultation, weakened or disappeared bowel sounds. For small or lean pigs, palpation through the abdomen can touch the hard fecal blocks in the large intestine. When pressed, the pigs show pain and anxiety. In severe cases, a large amount of fecal balls are filled in the rectum to compress the bladder neck, which can cause urinary retention and stop urination. If there are no complications, body temperature generally does not change much.

Fourth, prevention and control measures

1. Treatment: The sick pig should stop feeding only for a small amount of green and juicy feed, drink plenty of lukewarm water. Oral laxative: magnesium sulfate (sodium) 30-80 grams, or paraffin oil 50-100 ml, or 50-100 g of rhubarb, add a lot of water orally. And with warm water, 2% baking soda or soapy water, repeated deep enema, with abdominal massage, generally can work. For example, subcutaneous injection of neostigmine 2 to 5 mg or 2% pilocarpine 0.5 to 1.0 ml after administration of laxative can increase the therapeutic effect.

When the diarrhea is disturbed, it can be intramuscularly injected with 3 to 5 milliliters of analgin injection, or 2.5% of chlorpromazine hydrochloride at 2 to 10 milliliters, or 5 to 10 milliliters of Qianerxin injection subcutaneously or intramuscularly. When the diseased pig is extremely debilitating, apply 250-500 ml of 10% glucose solution intravenously or intraperitoneally, 2 or 3 times a day.

2. Prevention: Starting with improving feeding management, matching feed properly, feeding coarse and fine materials, feeding green and white succulent feeds, ensuring enough drinking water every day, and giving appropriate amounts of salt for proper exercise. Feeding piglets that have been weaned without pure rice bran.

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