Medicinal plants mountain lettuce powdery mildew

Mountain lettuce scientific name Lactuca indica L. Alias ​​bitter, bitter horse dice, duck food. It is a one-year or two-year-old herb of Asteraceae. Use whole plant or root medicine. With heat detoxification, blood stasis function. It is distributed everywhere.

Symptoms mainly affect the leaves, petioles, stems, and calyx. The mycelium was born on both sides of the leaf, and the back of the leaf was more, and began to form a white round patch. When the fruit of the sac fruit matured, the mycelium gradually disappeared, forming a dark brown plexus patch.

The pathogen Sphaerotheca fusca (Fr.) Blum is known as the brown silk monocystic shell and belongs to the ascomycete subphylum fungi.

Morphological characteristics, route of transmission and disease conditions, and control methods can be found in Pu Gong's powdery mildew.

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