Non-pollution vegetable main disease prevention and cure method

With the improvement of living standards, people are increasingly strict with the quality of vegetables, especially the pesticide residues in vegetables, which is the focus of attention. Because of its non-environmental pollution in the production process, without pesticides or timely control with a small amount of pesticides at the time of disease initiation, the amount of pesticide residues in vegetables is almost zero, and it is favored by consumers. Therefore, the production of pollution-free vegetables is a very important task. Now we will introduce some scientific and practical methods for the prevention and treatment of pollution-free vegetable diseases.

The damping-off disease at the seedling stage occurs mainly in the seedling tray and in the stem base of the seedlings cultivated in the off-season. The diseased department was initially immersed in water and then contracted, causing the seedlings to trip over or die. Sometimes the seeds just germinated or the seedlings became unripe, that is, they became infected. The rot rotted in the soil, causing seedlings to die out. Severe deaths occurred when the humidity was high. A layer of white flocculent grows on or near the surface of the diseased seedlings. The diseased seedlings were immediately removed and 72.2% Preclosure 400 to 800 times, or 58% metalaxyl MnZn wettable powder 800 times, or 15% hymexazol was used for the initial onset. 450 times liquid spray, spray 2 ~ 3 liters per square meter, prevention 1 ~ 2 times.

Phytophthora root rot is susceptible to high temperatures and low humidity or high temperature and humidity conditions. The main damage tomato, pepper, cucumber, zucchini, eggplant and other vegetables. Brown lesions appeared on the base or roots of the diseased plants. The lesions gradually expanded and sag. In severe cases, the lesions could go around the base of the stems for 1 week. The roots of the roots of the diseased plants were rotted and no new roots were found. The aboveground stems and leaves gradually wilted and died. In the rhizome, the catheter becomes dark brown. 64% antiviral WP 500 times, 50% methicone wettable powder 600 times, 72.2% Prolactin 800X, or 58% leimium MnZn powder 700 Submerge the roots and irrigate the roots with 500 ml per plant, irrigation once every 7 days, and irrigation 2 or 3 times.

Botrytis cinerea mainly occurs on vegetables such as tomatoes and summer cucurbits. It can harm flowers, fruits, leaves and stems. Fruits are affected by heavy green fruits. The residual stigma or petals are firstly infiltrated, and the fruit or petioles are extended. The skin is grayish white, soft rot, and the disease minister produces a large number of gray-green moldy layers; the leaf immersion begins at the tips of the leaves, the lesions show a “V” shape, and they expand inwards with a dark and light intertwined pattern. This disease can occur at the seedling stage, flowering stage and result stage. The main use of 40% Shijiale suspension 800 ~ 1000 times, or 50% acetaminophen WP 800 ~ 1000 times, or 50% carbendazim WP 800 times spray.

Leaf mould mainly damages tomato leaves, and in severe cases it also harms stems, flowers and fruits. The leaves of infected leaves showed irregular shapes or oval-shaped pale yellowish greenish patches. The primary white mold layer in the dorsal diseased part of the leaves turned grayish brown or dark brown velvet-like. When the conditions were appropriate, the front surface of the leaves also grew black mold. Immediately after seeing the disease, the diseased leaves were removed and sprayed with liquid medicine for comprehensive prevention and treatment. Pay special attention to the back of the blade when spraying, and spray evenly and thoughtfully. 47% Garnett WP 800 to 1200 times, or 10% World High Moisture Granule 800 times, or 2% Wuyimycin 150 times, etc., spray every 5~7 days. Times, even spray 2 or 3 times.

powdery mildew

The disease mainly harms cucumber, bulbous fennel, zucchini, wax gourd, tomato, eggplant, etc. It can harm the leaves, petioles, stems and fruits. At the beginning, the leaves turned green, and after the enlargement, they showed an irregular form of pink spots and a white floc. Some of the lesions occurred in the back of the leaves, and there were no obvious plaques on the edges of the yellow-green color on the front of the diseased part. After that, the whole leaf turned brown and died. Can choose 45% chlorothalonil smoke fumes, 250 grams per acre, or 2% of agricultural anti-120 water agent 150 times, or 15% triadimefon (triadimefon) wettable powder 1500 times, 10% of the world's high 800 times liquid spray control. Alternately use drugs to avoid drug resistance.

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