Types of coffee

Types of coffee There are so many types of coffee. When you go to the coffee shop to order coffee, you don't always know which one to choose. Now let's recognize the type of coffee together so that you will not be confused when you order coffee!

Macchiato: Espresso + Milk American Coffee: Espresso + Water White Coffee: Espresso + Milk Latte: Espresso + Milk + Milk Bubble Herbalife: Espresso + Cream Breda Latte / Half Latte: Espresso + Half Milk Half Cream + Milk Cappuccino: Espresso + Milk + Milk Mocha: Espresso + Chocolate Syrup + Milk + Creme Caramel Macchiato: Espresso + Milk + Syrup + Caramel Irish Coffee: Espresso + Irish Whiskey + Cream Vienna Coffee: Espresso + Chocolate Syrup + Whipped Cream

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