Feeding management of meat ducks

1, 0 to 3 weeks of age is the brooding period for large meat ducks. It is customary to refer to meat ducks as ducklings. This is an important part of the production of ducks. Because the ducklings have just hatched and various physiological functions are imperfect, they cannot fully adapt to the external environmental conditions. Measures must be taken from the feeding and management of nutrients to promote a smooth and smooth transition to the growth stage. It also laid the foundation for future growth. Regardless of adopting ground level raising, online flat raising or cage raising, the breeding techniques are basically the same, which are not described here. 1. Before the introduction of young ducklings Before the young ducklings are shipped, make sufficient premises, feed, heating, water supply, and utensils according to the number of ducklings introduced. Prepare feed troughs, sinks, etc. The general trough length is 7.6 cm/only. Indoor walls, floors, roofs and all appliances are completely sterilized and dried. Disinfection measures should be prepared 2 weeks before hatching. For specific disinfection methods, see the chapter on hygiene and epidemic prevention. Doors and windows, walls, ventilation holes, etc. should be inspected, and repaired in case of damage to prevent thieves. The use of online raising or cage care, to carefully check the net for damage, wire joints do not expose the plane, bamboo or wood chips shall not have burrs and sharp edges, so as not to stab the duck feet or skin, another important event before entering the young Before the ducklings enter the house, adjust the temperature of the incubator or brooding chamber to the proper temperature within 12 to 24 hours. Do not wait until the young duck has been placed in the brooding room or the brooding cage before temporarily warming it.
2. Environmental conditions and their control (1) Temperature Large-sized meat ducks are ducks reared for a long time by way of feeding, unlike ducks, which are easier to adapt to changes in ambient temperature. Therefore, during the brooding period, especially during the first week after hatching, maintaining a proper high ambient temperature is the key to the success of brooding. The temperature of the brooding differs depending on the heating method.
When warm umbrellas are used for warming, the umbrellas can be placed in the center or on both sides of the house, and a protective plate about 50 cm high is surrounded around the warming umbrellas, 75 to 90 cm from the edge of the warming umbrella. The guard plate can keep warm and windproof, limit the range of young chicks' activities, and prevent ducklings from being away from heat sources. After the chicks are familiar with heating under the warming umbrella, they will expand outward from the third day and remove the shields after 7 to 10 days. Keep troughs and sinks evenly between the insulation umbrella and the guard plate. Insulation umbrella diameter of 2 meters can raise 500 ducks, 2.5 meters can raise 750.
Insulative umbrella brooding, the temperature under the umbrella of 1 day old is controlled at 34-36°C, the area around the umbrella is 30-32°C, and the temperature in the brooding room is 24°C. In northern China, fire or flue heating is commonly used, and the use of heat sources is more economical. If the room temperature is supplied by the underground flue and the hot plate, the indoor temperature at the age of 1 day can be maintained at 29 to 31°C. From 2 weeks old to 3 weeks old, it is lowered to room temperature. No matter what kind of heating method, brooding temperature should increase with the age, and gradually reduce from high to low. To 3 weeks old, ie about 20 days, the brooding temperature should be reduced to the same level as room temperature. The general room temperature is 18 to 21°C. The difference between the starting temperature and the room temperature at 3 weeks of age is the temperature that should drop during these 20 days. It should be noted that cooling should be divided into several times a week to make ducklings easy to adapt. Do not wait until the end of the brooding suddenly defrost, this is likely to cause colds and frailty ducklings. The temperature should be checked or adjusted every day to keep the temperature properly and stably. The temperature of the insulation umbrella should be at the edge of the umbrella at a distance of 5 cm from the bedding and the bottom web. The thermometer in the home should be on the wall, about 1 meter above the ground. When raising a brood, you must pay attention to the temperature difference between the upper and lower layers. When using warm brooding for heating, besides observing the hatchling temperature in the middle of the cage, attention should also be paid to the dynamics of the ducklings between the layers, and the temperature and density of the brooding be adjusted in time. If a thermometer can be placed on the high level of the duckling back of each cage and then the temperature of the brooding of each layer is controlled according to the temperature, the effect will be better.
Whether the brooding temperature is appropriate or not, according to the thermometer, can also be expressed from the dynamics of the ducklings, which is the most simple and practical method. When the brooding temperature is appropriate, the ducklings are active and active, eating actively, drinking adequate water, and evenly spreading overnight; if the temperature is too low, the ducklings are densely packed, near the heat source, and screaming; if the temperature is too high Ducklings are far away from heat, open their mouths, increase their drinking capacity, reduce their appetite, and reduce their activities. If thief winds (gap winds, drafts, etc.) are blown through the doors and windows, the ducklings are crowded on one side of the heat source. Keepers should adjust the brooding temperature in time according to the dynamic response of the ducklings to temperature. Do "rest at a proper temperature, feed at a low temperature, gradually reduce the temperature" and increase the survival rate of the ducklings.
(2) Humidity Ducklings have a large water content of about 75%. If the high temperature and low humidity in the house will cause a dry environment, it is easy to dehydrate the ducklings and dry their feathers. If the population is large and the density is high, the activities will not be opened, which will affect the growth and health of the ducklings. In addition, the lack of water supply may even cause dehydration and death of the ducklings. Humidity can not be too high, high temperature and humidity can easily induce a variety of diseases, which is the most taboo environment for the poultry industry, but also the best conditions for the outbreak of coccidiosis. Special care should be taken to prevent high temperatures when floor litter is raised. Therefore, the brooding quail should maintain a slightly higher humidity for a week. Generally, the relative humidity is 65%. After that, the brood cubs should be kept dry as they increase with age. Avoid water leakage and prevent excrement and litter from getting wet. The humidity is controlled at 60% in the second week and 55% after the third week.
(3) Density Density refers to the number of ducklings raised per square meter of floor or floor area. The density should be appropriate. If the density is too high, the ducklings will not be active, feeding and drinking water will be difficult, and the air will be polluted, which will be detrimental to the growth of young ducklings. If the density is too low, the utilization rate of the houses will be low and the energy consumption will be uneconomical. The appropriate density can ensure high survival rate, make full use of brooding area and equipment, so as to achieve the purpose of reducing the activity of ducks and saving energy. Brood density varies according to breed, feeding management, and season. The general maximum capacity is 25 kg live weight per square meter. The rearing density of ducklings in different rearing methods is listed in Table 9-1.

Table 9-1 Rearing density of ducklings)
Weekly ground litter leveling (only/square meter) Online breeding (only/square meter caged (only/square meter))
1 20 to 30 30 to 50 60 to 65
2 10 to 15 15 to 25 30 to 40
3 7-10 10-15 20-25

(4) Light illumination can promote the feeding and movement of young ducklings, which is conducive to the healthy growth of young ducklings. 23 to 24 hours of light are used in the first 3 days after hatching so as to familiarize the ducklings with environment, search for food and drinking water, and turn off the lights for 1 hour to keep the darkness. The purpose is to enable the ducks to adapt to sudden changes in the environmental conditions of power cuts and prevent power outages. Set pile dead. The intensity of light must not be too high. Excessive lighting is not conducive to the growth of young ducklings. The light intensity is usually 10 lux. In general, incandescent lamps should have an intensity of 5 watts per square meter (10 lux, 2 to 2.5 meters from the ground). Later gradually reduced. After 4 days of age, it is not necessary to turn on the lights overnight. When using natural light during the day and feeding early and late, only weak lighting is provided, as long as you can see the feed, this will not only save electricity, but also keep the ducks quiet and will not reduce the feed intake of ducks. However, it is worth noting that when the brooding is carried out using a heat-insulated umbrella, the lighting in the umbrella should be turned on day and night. Because the ducklings go down to the umbrella when they feel cold, the umbrella lights have the effect of guiding the ducklings into the umbrella.
(5) Breeding Ducklings have a high feeding density, a lot of excrement, and a brood chamber that is easily wet and accumulates harmful gases such as ammonia gas and hydrogen sulfide. Therefore, while keeping warm, you should pay attention to ventilation to eliminate moisture, among which the most important is to discharge moisture. It is advisable to keep the humidity within the range of 55% to 65%. Proper ventilation can keep the air in the house fresh, and ventilation in summer can also help cool down. Therefore, good ventilation is very important for keeping the duck body healthy, feathers clean, and rapid growth. When maintaining an open brood, maintain the temperature at 21-25°C. Try to open the ventilation holes and ventilation windows to enhance ventilation. If a gauze ventilation window is installed on a window, indoor and outdoor air convection can be achieved, and the air can be filtered with gauze, so that the indoor air can be fresh, and the thief wind can be prevented, and the effect will be better.
(6) The digestion function of the newly hatched young ducklings is weak, and the digestive organs have a small volume, but the growth rate is very fast. The weight at the end of the brooding period is more than ten times that of the newborn. Therefore, only meet the nutritional needs of ducklings, dietary energy, protein, amino acids and vitamins, minerals and other nutrients are comprehensive, and the balance should be balanced, the proportion is appropriate, the formulated feed should be easily digested, and the feed should be fed less Many meals can meet the needs of fast growth of ducklings.

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