Agricultural experts explain the selection methods of weeding and fertilization in the dry season

This year, severe spring drought has become a difficult problem in spring plowing. How can we guide farmers to choose good strategies to resist drought? Experts from Northeast Agricultural University proposed a series of highly feasible countermeasures.

Countermeasure 1, choose not to blindly

Professor Zou Detang proposed that the price of soybeans and corn in our province was very prosperous in 2007, and the production efficiency was better than in previous years. However, the prices of soybeans and corn in 2008 were high and variable. The government should guide them in a timely manner to prevent blind expansion of farmers. Planting area caused losses. In the dry season, we must also pay attention not to change paddy fields to dry fields.

Professor Wang Zhenhua said that if maize is to be selected from varieties that have relatively high drought tolerance, it may consider delaying sowing time and sowing when the ground temperature is stable to 7 to 8°C or when the ground temperature starts to rise, thus preventing the occurrence of “powder seed”. At the same time, the low temperature in spring is one of the important reasons for the increase of smut in corn silk. Therefore, it is required that the seeds be coated or seeded to prevent the occurrence of smut on corn. After the emergence of corn, it is not too late to make seedlings or make up seedlings.

Soybean expert Gong Zhenping reminded the farmers that the original ridge overwintered the plots, and the corn stubble had to be exterminated and repressed earlier. Soybean pods could be planted and planted to improve drought resistance. Farmers who have no-tillage planters and no-tillage sowing can significantly improve the effect of spring drought.

In other agricultural products, experts suggest that vegetables should be dry heat treatment before seed sowing, improve the ability of vegetables to resist drought; on the live vegetables require sitting water or germination after sitting water to ensure Miao Qi Miao. In addition, the vegetables should be planted in close proximity, and some pesticides that prevent evaporation and transpiration should be used to appropriately increase the ability of the crop to resist drought. The potato should use drought-tolerant varieties suitable for local cultivation, and the early-maturing varieties should choose land that can be irrigated with water.

Countermeasure 2, use herbicide with caution

Plant protection experts, Zhao Changshan believes that soil drought, herbicide activity in the soil is low, which will result in greatly reduced weeding effect, herbicides should be used with caution. There are two misunderstandings when using herbicides. First, in order to solve the drought problem, irrigation measures may be taken. However, if the field has been applied with a closed herbicide, the crop may be phytotoxic due to leaching of the pesticide. The risk is greater when the drug is used. Secondly, some people will adopt measures to increase the herbicide application rate to increase the weed control effect. It is possible to increase the herbicide efficiency. However, once the pesticide is used for the rainfall, there is a high probability that soybeans will cause phytotoxicity, especially with acetochlor and oxalazine. Ketones, etc., or herbicidal mixtures containing these ingredients should also be noted. Can take early medication, less medication, two medications to solve the long-term, large seed weeds.

Zhao Changshan also reminded that adding organosilicon additives during application can promote the absorption of pesticides, reduce volatilization, and increase weeding effects. The application time should be selected when the morning and evening air humidity is high but there is no dew. When corn sits on water, if herbicides are applied with the irrigation water, herbicides can only be used for atrazine, and other herbicides are not safe.

Countermeasures 3, fertilizer has a Raiders

Liu Yuanying, a teacher at the School of Resources and Environment, suggested that “diversion with fertilizers” could be adopted to promote the full use of limited water resources by crops. In dry years, appropriate application of potash fertilizer can increase the drought resistance of crops. Potash fertilizer can reduce the loss of moisture in crops, promote the formation of developed root systems, and increase the water absorption capacity of crops. Under drought conditions, the mobility of phosphate fertilizers is poor, and the price of phosphate fertilizers is high this year. Therefore, the amount of phosphorus in basal fertilizers can be reduced, and foliar spraying of potassium dihydrogen phosphate can be used to alleviate the problem of phosphorus deficiency and increase the drought resistance of crops.

Liu Yuanying said that under severe drought conditions, it is not appropriate to use organic fertilizers, because organic matter in organic fertilizers has a strong ability to absorb water and compete with crop roots, which can cause difficulties in root water absorption. Under drought conditions, the soil moisture content is low, and the concentration of chemical fertilizers is increased, which can easily lead to burning seedlings and seedlings. It is imperative to isolate seeds and fertilizers. If the fertilizer can be applied to planting 10 to 15 centimeters, it will help deepen the roots. Physiologically active substances and seed dressings can be used to significantly increase the drought resistance of seedlings. When fertilizing, it is not appropriate to loosen the soil layer several times or deeper, otherwise soil water loss will increase and the fertilizer effect will be difficult to exert. (Sun Bo reporter Zhao Yuqing)

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