The role of Hawthorn and the therapeutic side

Winter is a period of high incidence of many diseases, people will pay more attention to daily health care during the winter and begin to pay attention to the diet. According to the traditional Chinese medicine theory of health, eating in the fall and winter season should eat more foods that are sweet and sour, and less pungent. Diet should be based on spleen, liver and clear lungs. Among them are the mountains that we want to introduce.

Hawthorn, also known as the mountain red, red fruit, rouge fruit, has a high nutritional and medical value. Because elderly people often eat hawthorn products can enhance appetite, improve sleep, maintain bone and blood calcium constant, prevent atherosclerosis, make people prolong life, so Hawthorn is considered by people as "longevity food."

Chinese medicine believes that hawthorn is lukewarm, sweet and sour, has a good stomach digestion effect, especially for the elimination of meat stagnation effect, winter diet is generally more fatty, it is easy to cause indigestion, and hawthorn promote digestion It can solve this problem.

Hawthorn gum content ranks first in all fruits, pectin can absorb intestinal bacteria and toxins, play the role of bowel detoxification. In winter, people's food intake will increase, coupled with reduced exercise, bowel movements will slow down, it is prone to constipation. Eat hawthorn properly, can effectively play a role in laxative.

Hawthorn is also rich in carotene, hawthorn and other triterpene acids and flavonoids beneficial components, can relax blood vessels, strengthen and regulate the heart muscle, lower blood pressure and serum cholesterol, good for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases and hypertension patients have a good diet effect. Winter is a period of high incidence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Eating appropriate hawthorn can effectively reduce the incidence of this type of population.

Hawthorn contains flavonoids and vitamin C, carotene and other substances can block and reduce the formation of free radicals, can enhance the body's immune system. Winter is also a period of high incidence of influenza, eat more mountains, is the most simple way to enhance the body's resistance.

Hawthorn is the best health supplement in winter. Xiao Bian warmly reminded that due to the acidity of hawthorn, those with excessive gastric acid secretion, and physically weak and suffering from dental diseases are unfit for human consumption. Hawthorn should not eat too much at one time and should be eaten after meals to avoid irritating the gastrointestinal tract.

The role of hawthorn:

1, anti-cancer, anti-cancer

Recent studies have found that hawthorn contains a compound called vitexin, which has anti-cancer effects.

Nitrosamines and aflatoxins can induce the occurrence or aggravation of digestive tract cancer. Experimental studies have shown that Hawthorn extract can not only block the synthesis of nitrosamines, but also inhibit the carcinogenic effects of aflatoxin. Therefore, people at high risk of digestive tract cancer should eat hawthorn regularly. For those who already have cancer, hazelnuts and rice can be accompanied by porridge if they have indigestion. This will not only help digestion, but also help to fight cancer. effect.

2, cardiac, blood fat, lower blood pressure

Clinical studies have confirmed that hawthorn can significantly reduce serum cholesterol and triglyceride, effectively prevent atherosclerosis; hawthorn can also improve myocardial contractility, increase cardiac output, expansion of coronary blood vessels, increase coronary blood flow, reduce myocardial consumption Oxygen levels play a role in strengthening the heart and preventing angina. In addition, the total flavonoids in hawthorn have the effect of dilating blood vessels and sustaining blood pressure. Therefore, patients with high blood lipids, hypertension, and coronary heart disease may take 15 to 30 grams of Hawthorn per day, which is decocted on behalf of the tea.

3, treatment of dysmenorrhea, irregular menstruation
Chinese medicine believes that Hawthorn has the effect of promoting blood circulation and stasis, and it is a good food for patients with blood stasis type dysmenorrhea. Blood stasis type dysmenorrhea patients usually manifested as abdominal pain from the first to the second day or the first 1 to 2 days before the menstrual blood discharge, the pain gradually reduced or disappeared, and the menstrual blood dark, accompanied by blood clots. The patient may take a complete amount of fresh kernels with 1,000 grams of fresh hawthorn. After washing, add the appropriate amount of water. Cook over low heat and cook until the hawthorn is overgrown. Add 250 grams of brown sugar and cook for 10 minutes until it becomes a thin paste. Take the first 3 to 5 days to start taking, daily morning and evening, each meal Hawthorn mud 30 ml until 3 days after the stop taking, this is a course of treatment, and even served 3 courses can be effective. This method is also suitable for menstrual irregularities, TCM syndrome is blood stasis.

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