Common calcium supplement food inventory

Calcium-rich foods

Dairy and dairy products: cow, goat milk and milk powder, cheese, yogurt, condensed milk.

Beans and soy products: soybeans, edamame, lentils, beans, tofu, dried tofu, tofu skin, fermented bean curd and so on.

Marine products: squid, squid, squid, loach, shrimp, shrimp, shrimp, crab, kelp, seaweed, coriander, sea cucumber, snail and so on.

Meat and eggs: lamb, pig brain, chicken, eggs, duck eggs, quail eggs, egg, pork, etc.

Vegetables: celery, rape, carrot, radish, sesame, parsley, scallion, black fungus, mushrooms, etc.

Fruits and dried fruits: lemon, wolfberry, apple, black date, apricot, orange cake, peach, almond, hawthorn, raisins, walnuts, watermelon seeds, pumpkin seeds, dried mulberries, peanuts, lotus seeds and so on.

Calcium supplement food TOP10

Calcium Champion: Sesame Sauce

Do not say do not know, many people will think that the most abundant calcium content is milk, in fact, the most abundant calcium in daily food is sesame paste, calcium content per 100 grams of sesame sauce is 1057 mg.

Sesame is rich in protein, amino acids, and vitamins and minerals. It has high health care value. The amount of calcium in sesame sauce is much higher than that of vegetables and beans. Regular consumption of food is beneficial to the development of bones and teeth (do not The food is eaten together with spinach and other vegetables, otherwise it will react with oxalic acid or soluble oxalate in vegetables to produce calcium oxalate precipitate that affects the absorption of calcium). Sesame sauce contains more than several times more iron than pig liver and egg yolk. Regular consumption not only has an active effect on regulating partial anorexia, but also corrects and prevents iron deficiency anemia.

In addition, sesame butter is rich in lecithin, which can prevent premature hair whitening or shedding; sesame seeds contain a lot of oils and fats, and have a good laxative effect; eat sesame butter can increase skin elasticity, make skin soft and healthy. It is recommended that you eat 10 to 20 grams a day.

Calcium supplement runner: shrimp

The calcium content of shrimp is very rich. The calcium content in 100 grams of shrimp is 991 milligrams, second only to sesame paste. Shrimp is rich in nutrients and contains several times to several times more protein than fish, eggs, and milk. It is also rich in minerals such as potassium, iodine, magnesium, and phosphorus, as well as vitamin A and aminophylline, and its meat is soft and easy. Digestion is an excellent food for people who are weak and who need to be nursed after illness.

In addition, shrimp is rich in magnesium, magnesium has an important regulatory role in heart activity, can well protect the cardiovascular system, it can reduce blood cholesterol levels, prevent arteriosclerosis, while also expanding the coronary artery, is conducive to prevention Hypertension and myocardial infarction; elderly people eat shrimp food, can prevent their own due to calcium deficiency caused by osteoporosis; elderly people put some shrimp in the food, to improve appetite and enhance physical fitness are very good.

Calcium supplementation fourth: cheese

Dairy products are the best choice for calcium supplements in foods. Cheese is a calcium-rich milk product, and these calcium are easily absorbed. The calcium content per 100 grams of cheese is 659 mg, which is rich in calcium.

Cheese can enhance the body's ability to resist diseases, promote metabolism, enhance vitality, protect eyes, and keep skin healthy. Cheese is a lactic acid bacteria and its metabolites have a certain health care effect on the human body, which is conducive to maintaining the normal flora of the human intestinal tract Stability and balance, prevention of constipation and diarrhea; cheese in fat and heat are more, but its cholesterol content is relatively low, but also beneficial to cardiovascular health.

Calcium supplement sixth: sea cucumber

Sea cucumbers, which people call "sea ginseng," are named after ginseng because of the role of tonic. Sea cucumber is rich in calcium, and the calcium content per 100 milligrams of sea cucumber is 285 milligrams. In addition, it has rich nutritional value.

The nutritional value of sea cucumbers is higher. The sea cucumbers contain about 14.9 grams of protein per 100 grams of water, 0.9 grams of fat, 0.4 grams of carbohydrates, 357 milligrams of calcium, 12 milligrams of phosphorus, 2.4 milligrams of iron, and vitamin B1, vitamin B2, and nicotinic acid. Sea cucumber contains very low cholesterol and is a typical high-protein, low-fat, low-cholesterol diet. Together with its delicate flesh and easy digestion, it is very suitable for the elderly, children, and debilitated people.

Calcium seventh: seaweed

It is rich in nutrients, high in iodine content, and can be used to treat "thyroid enlargement" caused by iodine deficiency. But it must not be ignored its calcium supplementation ability, calcium content per 100 grams of seaweed is 264 mg.

Laver is also rich in choline and calcium, iron, can enhance memory, treatment of maternal and child anemia, promote bone and teeth growth and health care; contains a certain amount of mannitol, can be used as a supplementary food for the treatment of edema. The polysaccharide contained in laver has obvious enhancement of cellular immunity and humoral immunity, can promote lymphocyte transformation and improve the body's immunity; it can significantly reduce the total content of serum cholesterol. The inhibitory effect of the effective component of laver on Ehrlich carcinoma is 53.2%, which is helpful for the prevention and treatment of tumors such as brain tumor, breast cancer, thyroid cancer, and malignant lymphoma.

Calcium supplementation eighth: black fungus

Black fungus is a good product for lowering blood pressure. In addition to its blood pressure-lowering effect, it is also very strong in calcium supplementation and ranks eighth. The calcium content per 100 grams of black fungus is 247 mg. Contains sugars, protein 10.6 grams, 0.2 grams of fat, 306 calories, amino acids, vitamins and minerals. It is good for gas, hunger, mildness, intelligence, bleeding, pain relief, and blood circulation. It is rich in polysaccharide colloid and has good smoothness. It is an important health food for mine workers and textile workers. It also has certain functions of anti-cancer and cardiovascular disease treatment.

Efficacy: The gum in edible fungus can concentrate the dust and impurities remaining in the human digestive system and excrete it from the body, thus playing a role in clearing the stomach and intestines. At the same time, it also helps to digest the functions of fiber materials, and has the effect of dissolving and decomposing foreign substances such as indigestible hair, chaff, wood residue, sand, metal shavings, etc. that are inadvertently eaten. Therefore, it is a mine, chemical industry, and Textile workers are indispensable health food. It also has a significant role in the elimination of endogenous foreign bodies such as gallstones and kidney stones. Black fungus can reduce blood clots, prevent the occurrence of thrombosis and other diseases, there is the role of prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease. It contains anti-tumor active substances, can enhance the body's immune system, regular consumption can prevent cancer and cancer.

Calcium Ninth Name: Kelp

The rich calcium content of kelp is often overlooked. In fact, the calcium content per 100 grams of kelp is 241 mg. In addition, kelp contains alginic acid, lamin, galactan and other polysaccharides, amino acids such as kelp, glutamic acid, aspartic acid, proline, vitamins B1, B2, C, P and carotene, Iodine, potassium, calcium and other inorganic salts.

Kelp is rich in iodine and iodide, and it has the effect of preventing and treating iodine-deprivate goiter; alginate and potassium salts have antihypertensive effect; alginate and kelp have the function of lowering serum cholesterol; hot water extract is in vitro. Human KB cancer cells have obvious cytotoxic effects, which have a significant inhibitory effect on S180 tumors, and can improve the body's humoral immunity, and promote the body's cellular immunity. Canopy polysaccharides can prevent and treat hyperglycemia.

Calcium tenth: black beans

The calcium content of black beans is also very rich. It is also higher than the usual soybeans. The calcium content per 100 grams of black beans is 224 mg. The protein content of black beans is as high as 36%-40%, which is equivalent to 2 times of meat, 3 times of eggs and 12 times of milk.

Black beans contain 18 kinds of amino acids, especially 8 kinds of amino acids essential for the human body; black beans also contain 19 kinds of oleic acid, whose unsaturated fatty acid content reaches 80%, and the absorption rate is as high as 95%. In addition to meeting the body's need for fat, There is a role in lowering blood cholesterol. Black beans are basically cholesterol-free and contain only phytosterols, but plant sterols are not absorbed by human body and they also have the effect of inhibiting the absorption of cholesterol by the body and lowering the content of cholesterol in the blood. Therefore, eat black beans, can soften blood vessels, nourish the skin, delay aging. Especially for patients with high blood pressure, heart disease, etc.

Trace elements in black beans such as zinc, copper, magnesium, molybdenum, selenium, and fluoride are high in content, and these trace elements are very important for delaying human aging and reducing blood viscosity. Black beans in the crude fiber content of up to 4%, eat black beans, can provide crude fiber in food, promote digestion, prevent constipation.

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