Affordable "aphrodisiac" recommended

Common green onions, leeks, and onions in daily life have the effect of aphrodisiac, and they are of great benefit to men. They are even called "men's dishes."

"Aphrodisiac" green onions:

Modern medical research shows that various vitamins in green onions can ensure the normal secretion of human hormones, but also effectively stimulate sexual desire, and thus "aphrodisiac Yin." Welsh onion is rich in nutrients. It contains thiamine, riboflavin, calcium and potassium, which are beneficial to bones. At the same time it is rich in folic acid, can relax blood vessels, promote blood circulation, protect cardiovascular health, but also can reduce the risk of prostate cancer. For men, it is more appropriate to eat scallions or chives 3 times a week. They can cook, eat cold, and serve as seasonings.

"Vegetable Viagra" leeks:

The leek has the effect of warming the stomach, lowering the vital energy, tonifying the kidney and promoting the yang and so on. While strengthening the energy, it is also an excellent treatment effect for male erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, etc. Therefore, the medical ancient book is called "impotence grass," and modern people give it back. The crown of "Vegetable Viagra". For men, stir-fried leeks with shrimp or leeks and scrambled eggs are easy-to-use “aphrodisiac dishes” and should be eaten more. However, it should be noted that leeks are not digestible and cannot be eaten too much at one time.

"Queen of food" onion:

Onions have multiple functions such as anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial, diuretic and diarrhea, hypoglycemic, hypolipidemic, cholesterol-lowering, and blood pressure-lowering. It is the only plant known to contain prostaglandins and can protect the prostate. It not only enjoys the reputation of "Queen of Cuisine", but also aphrodisiac. There are many ways to eat onions. If you want to give full play to the effectiveness of its "man dishes," you may wish to make fried beef with onion or onion, which is delicious and rich in nutritional value.

Two acupoints massage method for men and kidneys and impotence

"Guan Yuan points" position: four fingers below the umbilicus. Guan Yuan is located in the human veins of the sea of ​​“Yin Vein”. The position of 3 inches below the navel is also known as Down Dantian. It has the function of cultivating vitality and strengthening the body. The inch here is the size of the same person. The width of each person's four fingers together is equivalent to 3 inches of the same size. Therefore, it is also very simple to find Guan Yuan. From the navel, it is measured four times from the navel. The finger-width distance is Guanyuan.

Massage method:

For self-massage, you can first use Guan Yuan as the center of the circle, and rotate the left or right palm counterclockwise and clockwise for 3-5 minutes.

Then, press the Guan Yuan for 3 minutes with the breath.

Of course, if there are conditions, you can also use moxa moxibustion Guan Yuan, about 10 minutes each time, there is a good strong effect.

Strong Kidney Point - Waist Eye

The common symptom of male is lumbar acid back pain, and there is a method that is also very useful - rubbing the waist.

Chinese medicine believes that using the palms and soles on the waist can not only clear the veins and strong lumbar spine, but also play a role in the eyesight, solid essence, kidney and longevity. Middle-aged people often blink in the waist, to the elderly can keep the back straight, but also prevent back pain caused by cold.

Modern medical research shows that massage the waist can not only expand the capillary network in the local skin, promote blood circulation, accelerate the elimination of metabolites, but also stimulate nerve endings, mild stimulation of the nervous system, and facilitate the repair of damaged tissue. To increase the endurance of the psoas muscle.

Therefore, massage the waist on the chronic lumbar muscle strain, acute lumbar sprain can play a good preventive effect, for the disc herniation, sciatica and other diseases also have a certain effect.

"Lumbulo-acupuncture points" position: The lumbar eye is a point in the external cavity, at the waist, and under the 4th lumbar spinous process, a depression of about 3.5 inches is placed next to it.

Massage method:

When self-massage, first find the horizontal line of the 4th lumbar spinous process. The way it is found is that when we put our hands on our hips, we can touch the bones of our waist from the back. This is an anatomy of a pimple. The pimple is exactly the same as the 4th lumbar spinous process of the human body.

Then, measuring the distance from the midline to a palm a little more, is where the lumbar eye is located.

In general, when the body is sitting in a massage, both fists naturally back to the back, with the index finger uplifting fist tightly press the waist and eyes and do rotary force rubbing, soaking is appropriate.

Each time you can rub for 5 minutes, long-term adherence to a strong waist and kidney function.

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