Cow reproductive disorders and treatment

The emergence of reproductive disorders in dairy cows should be scientifically analyzed in a timely manner. For example, if the cow's estrus interval is less than 17 days or more than 24 days, the age is past 14 months without estrus or after 60 days without estrus, the insemination three times without gestation, and the postpartum non-season reasons with 5 months Pregnancy, or cows that are not pregnant and are not estrus for a long time, must analyze the causes scientifically in time and take symptomatic measures:
1, malnutrition. The nutritional status of cows has a very close influence on their fertility. Generally, dairy farms have different stages of feed and supply rations according to the feeding standards. However, in practice, the cows are often over-fertilized during dry milk, and postpartum cows or cows at the peak of lactation have excessive moisture. It is a nutritional imbalance. Therefore, body condition scores are performed at each breeding phase of the cattle. For example, if the five-point scale is adopted, the dry-milk cows must maintain 3.5-3.75, and the cows at the peak of lactation should be maintained at 3-. Between 3.5.
2, the impact of heat stress. When the temperature rises to 26°C, the individual cows' heat dissipation is hindered, and their effects on lactation and fecundity are affected to varying degrees. Therefore, ventilation and exhaust ventilation of the cowshed and spraying of tap water should be used to mitigate the effects of heat stress during the high temperature phase. .
3, perinatal infection. Doing a good job in the perinatal health care of cows plays an important role in the prevention of precocious puberty, stillbirths, and prenatal and postnatal infections in cows that cause cow reproductive and infertility. In practice, it is often found that prenatal infections are caused by lax disinfection of the confinement arm, postpartum factors return slowly, lochia, and secondary infections that result in submandibular infection, resulting in endometritis and prolonged postpartum fertility or infertility. Symptoms, even causing systemic septicemia, cause cow death.
What must be emphasized is that only the correct diagnosis of the breeding obstacles of cattle, if necessary, combined with blood endocrine diagnosis, can the correct use of reproductive hormones or drug treatment, can not blindly use reproductive hormones.

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